
    [Slow in hand] Yijie mobile hard disk G22PRO rush purchase price is 177 yuan, and the activity directly reduces 40 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Ying Mei

    The rush purchase price is 219 yuan. If the price is 200 yuan, 20 yuan will be deducted. If the price is 219 yuan, 20 yuan will be deducted. If the price is 219 yuan, only 177.91 yuan will be paid. This Yijie G22PRO mobile hard disk adopts USB3.0 high-speed interface and USB2.0 compatible interface, with a transmission speed of up to 5GBPS, and the dual drawer design can store up to 500G data, with a total storage capacity of up to 1TB, which is very suitable for users with large capacity storage needs. This activity has a very large amount of discount, which is equivalent to 618 and Double 11. At the same time, it has superimposed the full amount reduction activity and PLUS subsidy coupon, which is more affordable. This promotional activity lasts for a long time. From March 21 to March 31, users can get a subsidy coupon every day to purchase. In addition, there are many kinds of goods, which will not be listed here.

     [Slow in hand] Yijie mobile hard disk G22PRO rush purchase price is 177 yuan, and the activity directly reduces 40 yuan

    Good price information comes from enthusiastic netizens and merchants' active exposure and recommendation. The promotional discounts and price information of goods may change in real time. Please check and confirm before purchasing. If you find any problems, you are welcome to give feedback through the "content correction", "error correction and problem suggestions" or direct "comments" on the page.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow in hand] Yijie mobile hard disk G22PRO rush purchase price is 177 yuan, and the activity directly reduces 40 yuan true report seven hundred and seventy-nine The rush purchase price is 219 yuan. If the price is 200 yuan, 20 yuan will be deducted. If the price is 219 yuan, 20 yuan will be deducted. If the price is 219 yuan, only 177.91 yuan will be paid. This Yijie G22PRO mobile hard disk adopts USB3.0 high-speed interface and USB2.0 compatible interface, with a transmission speed of up to 5GBPS, and the dual drawer design can store up to 500G data, with a total storage capacity of up to 1TB, which is very suitable for users with large capacity storage needs. This activity offers great discounts, compared with 618, Double 11
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