
    Performance Analysis of RTX 40 SUPER Series Graphics Card Who is the Most Worth Buying

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Qu Nan

    NVIDIA as of now RTX 40 SUPER series Graphics card Three products have been released, and it is not ruled out that there will be 60 models in the future, but now it has made everyone very confused. The two suffixes "Ti SUPER" also appear at the same time behind the video card models for the first time. Let's directly compare the theoretical performance of these three video cards. Compared with game scores, theoretical performance is less likely to follow drive Iteration and change, more accurate.

    one Introduction to test platform and graphics card specifications

    First of all, let's introduce the test platform. This time, we choose Intel's latest flagship desktop processor i9-14900K, the motherboard is Z790, and the system version is updated to the latest 23H2 version.

     Performance Analysis of RTX 40 SUPER Series Graphics Card Who is the Most Worth Buying

    The following author also summarizes the detailed parameters of the three video cards released this time for easy comparison.

     Performance Analysis of RTX 40 SUPER Series Graphics Card Who is the Most Worth Buying

    These three graphics cards are all iterative upgrades of old models. RTX 4070 SUPER and RTX 4070 Ti SUPER are both volume based and price based, and RTX 4080 SUPER is volume based and price based.

    Although NVIDIA does not say clearly at present, it is basically launched to replace the prototype card. Let's see the test results directly below.

    two Theoretical performance test

    This test mainly compares the upper and lower models of the three graphics cards to see how far they are up and down from the prototype card.

    The first step is to measure the graphics card DX11 The 3DMRKFS package with theoretical performance: FS, FSE and FSU correspond to the theoretical performance of the graphics card at 1080P, 2K and 4K respectively. The actual test results of the graphics card scores are as follows:

     Performance Analysis of RTX 40 SUPER Series Graphics Card Who is the Most Worth Buying

    There are 7 graphics cards in total, so there are many scores. You need to compare them carefully.

     Performance Analysis of RTX 40 SUPER Series Graphics Card Who is the Most Worth Buying

     Performance Analysis of RTX 40 SUPER Series Graphics Card Who is the Most Worth Buying

    It can be seen that the biggest improvement is RTX 4070 SUPER, which has basically reached the level of RTX 4070 Ti. You should know that the RTX 4070 Ti was sold for 6499 before, and of course, it was also the most criticized card by users. However, the performance of the RTX 4070 Ti that can be bought with 4899 is still good.

    In addition, the improvement of RTX 4080 SUPER is relatively small. Although players feel that SUPER should be placed between two graphics cards in terms of performance, the main purpose of RTX 4080 SUPER this time is to reduce the price and make some changes.

    NVIDIA also purposely keeps the level 80 graphics card away from the level 90 graphics card. After all, the RTX 4090 is also a model that has only appeared in recent generations. Previously, it has been named TITAN, and basically has no intention of participating in the following consumer level competition.

    Now let's take a look 3DMARK Testing of some specific application scenarios added in.

     Performance Analysis of RTX 40 SUPER Series Graphics Card Who is the Most Worth Buying

    Speed Way test combines real-time ray tracing and traditional rendering technology to measure the performance of video card. The scene contains raytraced reflections, real-time global lighting, mesh shaders, volume illumination, particles, and post-processing effects. So SW testing can basically be regarded as the benchmark of next-generation 3A games.

    In addition, since RTX 4070 and RTX 4070 SUPER are not suitable for operation at 8K resolution, they are not tested.

     Performance Analysis of RTX 40 SUPER Series Graphics Card Who is the Most Worth Buying

    Finally, the relevant performance test of DLSS 3. This test is more biased towards the actual game frames, so the overall base is small.

    Finally, on the whole, if you can buy RTX 4070 SUPER at about 4500 yuan, it is very affordable; The RTX 4070 Ti is an advanced choice. After all, it costs 1600 yuan. It can get good results on 4K, but its positioning is vague.

    If you want the game flagship, the 8099 yuan RTX 4080 SUPER is good. But it has just been released, and some cards have hit 9000. Let the bullets fly for a while.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Performance Analysis of RTX 40 SUPER Series Graphics Card Who is the Most Worth Buying true report two thousand and eighty-six Up to now, NVIDIA RTX 40 SUPER series graphics cards have released three products. It is not ruled out that there will be 60 models in the future, but now it has caused great confusion. The two suffixes "Ti SUPER" also appear behind the graphics card models for the first time. Let's directly compare the theoretical performance of these three graphics cards. Compared with the game score, the theoretical performance will not stack with the driver
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