
    Interview with Xiao Linzhou, General Manager of Mechanic Peripheral Business Department: New Revolution of Star Flash Technology Radio Competition

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Qu Nan

    With the launch of a new generation of short-range wireless connection technology, Near Link, independently developed by China, the e-sports industry has ushered in a revolutionary change. The star flash technology can not only meet the requirements of low delay and high reliability in various scenarios, but also is a huge leap in the field of radio competition. On January 13, the machinist took # XIN Slogan, who is a member of the Group and competing for potential energy, held a new product conference in the spring of 2024. At the conference site, Xiao Linzhou, general manager of the external equipment business department of the machinist, brought the world's first set of star flash super e-sports bucket to everyone.

     Interview with Xiao Linzhou, General Manager of Mechanic Peripheral Business Department: New Revolution of Star Flash Technology Radio Competition

    In order to further understand the impact and future of starflash technology, after the meeting, we interviewed Mr. Xiao Linzhou, General Manager of the Mechanic Peripheral Business Department, to discuss the experience improvement brought by starflash technology for e-sports, the core competitiveness of the Mechanic's starflash products, and the future development plan.

    During the discussion, President Xiao was familiar with starflash technology, and explained its breakthrough in detail: as a new generation of short-range wireless connection technology, starflash technology has brought all-round experience improvement to the field of e-sports. Specifically, its advantages are mainly shown in the following key aspects:

    1. Lower delay:

    Time delay is a key indicator in the field of wireless e-sports, which directly affects the real-time experience of players. The star flash technology significantly reduces the delay time of wireless devices, and ensures the speed and accuracy of fierce confrontation with competitors. This is critical for games that require fast and accurate operation.

    For example, in FPS (First person shooter game), the improvement of reaction speed and synchronization rate of multi player simultaneous game at the level of millisecond can significantly reduce the delay perceived by players, thus improving game performance and winning rate.

     Interview with Xiao Linzhou, General Manager of Mechanic Peripheral Business Department: New Revolution of Star Flash Technology Radio Competition

    The ultra-low delay is due to the use of star flash technology fifty Micro second ultra short wireless frame, integrated with adjustable transceiver logic, greatly compress With the receiving and transmitting cycle, it can achieve two hundred and fifty One interaction is completed in microseconds, so the delay is only one thirtieth of the traditional technology. At the same time, more thirty Times the amount of information.

    This greatly reduces the sending and receiving time of one frame of data, making wireless connection more rapid and synchronous. This is the response that players can feel almost zero delay when performing micro operations, especially in games with intensive actions.

    2. Faster speed:

    Traditional Bluetooth has only one megabyte bandwidth. The starburst technology broadens the channel to four Trillions to twelve Mega bandwidth, far higher than traditional Bluetooth technology.

    This bandwidth increase allows more data to pass through, which means higher quality sound and image transmission, clearer and smoother pictures in the game, and more accurate sound information to the player's ears.

    3. More stable connection:

    The star flash technology uses an intelligent interference avoidance mechanism to enhance signal stability through centralized scheduling. When multiple channels work in parallel, the system can intelligently identify and select the channel with the least interference, which improves the anti-interference ability compared with traditional wireless technology seven individual dB To ensure the stability of the connection. This is particularly important in competitive games, because any interference and instability may lead to errors at critical moments.

     Interview with Xiao Linzhou, General Manager of Mechanic Peripheral Business Department: New Revolution of Star Flash Technology Radio Competition

    Issued by the machinist L8Max and L8Air mouse , and both the mouse and receiver use the same chip. Under the super bandwidth of starflash and intelligent interference avoidance mechanism, let the mouse and receiver communicate one-to-one. Realizing true wireless 4000Hz And as low as two hundred and fifty Ultra low delay of microseconds.

    6. Greater networking:

    In addition to the traditional delay, speed and stability, star flash technology also provides greater networking capabilities, enabling more devices to seamlessly connect and work together in the same environment. This is a huge advantage for e-sports competitions and multiplayer online games, because it allows multiple devices to work synchronously Have a letter It can also greatly reduce the interface burden of user equipment.

    In a word, with its revolutionary breakthrough in key dimensions, Starflash technology has indeed set a new standard for wireless electronic competition technology and brought unprecedented gaming experience to players. With the further development and application of technology, it is possible to change the appearance of the E-sports equipment market and make the wireless E-sports become the future trend of mainstream configuration.

    For professional e-sports players, a good weapon with absolutely superior performance is the key to winning a battle. It is a new generation product of machinists L8Max and L8Air The mouse is not only the embodiment of the innovation of starflash technology, but also the embodiment of the user centered interaction concept.

    President Xiao emphasized that before research and development, the machinist invited 10000 players to conduct a questionnaire survey and listen to their voices. " No public beta, no listing " This principle ensures the real needs of players in different fields and the market competitiveness of products.

    In order to meet the needs of different players' hand types, the mechanic decided to launch two models of mouse at a time. Under the same hardware configuration, L8Max by one hundred and twenty-eight Mm rat size, L8Air by one hundred and seventeen The mouse size of mm can fully meet the gripping habits of large and medium sized players and small and medium sized players. Users can choose according to their palm length and gripping habits.

     Interview with Xiao Linzhou, General Manager of Mechanic Peripheral Business Department: New Revolution of Star Flash Technology Radio Competition

    Although Starflash technology is full of potential, President Xiao said frankly that the hardware equipment in the field of e-sports is still in its infancy, lacking user data base, and there is little content on product experience and feedback suggestions on social networks; The iteration speed of product update is not so fast, and the user base and market feedback need to be accumulated.

    However, in response to this challenge, machinists are conducting internal testing and collecting community feedback through their huge user groups and rich industry resources to ensure that products can iterate rapidly and better meet market demands.

    Star flash technology does have many advantages, but users are most worried about the iteration of hardware technology Do I need to upgrade my own equipment?

    About the compatibility of starflash, President Xiao also clearly pointed out that starflash technology PC Performance requirements are not high 1K Under the resolution, all computers on the market are applicable. But in 4K The resolution requires a higher performance computer to have a better experience, CPU Basic needs to reach Intel Core ten Generation processor or above.

     Interview with Xiao Linzhou, General Manager of Mechanic Peripheral Business Department: New Revolution of Star Flash Technology Radio Competition

    At this stage, starflash is of epoch-making significance in terms of technology. It not only subverts the short-range wireless connection mode of daily families, but also has many fields that can be expanded.

    Therefore, when talking about the future layout of machinists, President Xiao also mentioned that he planned to widely apply the star flash technology to the hardware products of the whole line of e-sports for machinists, including laptops, desktops mini At the same time, we also carry out in-depth development in the field of earphones, routers and other peripheral products, and further improve the ecological environment of the machinists through the star flash technology.

    On the way to continue to promote and improve the star flash technology, President Xiao revealed that the mechanics will continue to work in the more subdivided field of e-sports, from keyboard and mouse to handle to notebook computer, etc. The mechanics will be committed to creating a series of efficient, accurate and cross device compatible e-sports peripherals to meet the growing demand of players.

    On the one hand, the wider application of star flash technology will urge other manufacturers in the industry to accelerate the pace of wireless connection technology, thus accelerating the technological upgrading of the entire industry. On the other hand, machinists will also expand the application scenarios of starflash technology and further enhance the integrity and connectivity of the e-sports ecosystem by establishing closer partnerships.

     Interview with Xiao Linzhou, General Manager of Mechanic Peripheral Business Department: New Revolution of Star Flash Technology Radio Competition

    At the end of the interview, Xiao Linzhou reiterated the mission of the machinist: to constantly improve the performance and user experience of e-sports products through technological innovation and user interaction, and strive to maintain a leading position in the changing market. In the future, with the gradual popularization and optimization of star flash technology, mechanics are looking forward to working with more players to witness and participate in the technological revolution in the field of wireless competition.

    The emergence of star flash technology is undoubtedly a welcome revolution in the field of e-sports. With the continuous maturity and promotion of starflash technology in the market, we have reason to believe that radio competition will usher in a new era of development in the future.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Interview with Xiao Linzhou, General Manager of Mechanic Peripheral Business Department: New Revolution of Star Flash Technology Radio Competition true report five thousand two hundred and forty-seven With the launch of a new generation of short-range wireless connection technology, Near Link, independently developed by China, the e-sports industry has ushered in a revolutionary change. The star flash technology can not only meet the requirements of low delay and high reliability in various scenarios, but also is a huge leap in the field of radio competition. On January 13, the machinist took # XIN The Slogan of G Polar Gathering and Competing for Potential Energy # held a new product launch in the spring of 2024
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