
    [Slow in hand] Western data 4TB purple disc 499 yuan!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Luo Xiaoai

    A monitoring machine with 4TB capacity Hard disk , from WD40PURX purple disk of Western Data. This hard disk adopts a 3.5-inch SATA interface, which is suitable for video monitoring for long-term continuous work. It has the ability of resisting high temperature and vibration, and can ensure the safety and stability of data.

    If you need a stable hard disk to store your video files, then this purple disk will be very suitable for you. However, it should be noted that this hard disk is not suitable for ordinary PC users. It is more suitable for PVR, DVR, NVR and other monitoring solutions.

    In addition, this hard disk drive on JD is currently under promotion, with a price of 499 yuan. The original price is 539 yuan, so now you can enjoy a real discount. If you are looking for a high-capacity, stable hard disk to meet your needs, then do not miss this opportunity!

     [Slow in hand] Western data 4TB purple disc 499 yuan!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Slow in hand] Western data 4TB purple disc 499 yuan! true report six hundred and sixty-three A 4TB capacity monitoring level mechanical hard disk from WD40PURX purple disk of Western Data. This hard disk adopts a 3.5-inch SATA interface, which is suitable for video monitoring for long-term continuous work. It has the ability of resisting high temperature and vibration, and can ensure the safety and stability of data. If you need a stable hard disk to store your video files, then this purple disk will be very suitable for you. But it needs to be noted that
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