
    It's 8 o'clock tonight! Kingston launched DDR4 3200 memory only 195 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

    Kingston launched a price friendly Memory The model is FURY Beast DDR4 3200, and the capacity is 16GB. The original price of this memory module is 269 yuan, but the second killing activity starts at 8 o'clock tonight, and the price is only 215 yuan. In addition, users can also enjoy a subsidy of 20 yuan provided by the JD platform, and the actual price is only 195 yuan.

    This memory module is applicable to Intel and AMD chipset platforms, and supports XMP one key overclocking function. It uses a new version of the black radiator design, which is outstanding in terms of heat dissipation. At the same time, the product also optimizes the support for these two platforms.

    Users who buy this memory module can expect the seckill event at 8:00 tonight. If they miss the second kill, consumers can also buy this product on JD and enjoy a discount of up to 20%.

    In addition to memory module, JD platform also provides threshold free red packet lottery, which can obtain a maximum bonus of 11111 yuan. Consumers can also participate in lottery activities of the same scale on Tmall, with a maximum bonus of 23888 yuan.

    To sum up, this DDR4 3200 memory module launched by Kingston has excellent performance and price advantages, and also provides a wealth of promotional activities, which is worthy of consumers' attention.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: It's 8 o'clock tonight! Kingston launched DDR4 3200 memory only 195 yuan true report seven hundred and twenty-three Kingston launched a user-friendly memory module, with the model of FURY Beast DDR4 3200 and the capacity of 16GB. The original price of this memory module is 269 yuan, but the second killing activity starts at 8 o'clock tonight, and the price is only 215 yuan. In addition, users can also enjoy a subsidy of 20 yuan provided by the JD platform, and the actual price is only 195 yuan. This memory module is applicable to Intel and AMD chipset platforms, and supports XMP one click ultra fast memory module
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