
    What are the advantages of solid state capacitors as the selling point of "all solid state" motherboard?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Bai Jingfu
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    01 What are the advantages of solid state capacitors?

    Product: PRIME H610M-A D4 ASUS a main board

    Capacitor is the most common electronic element in electronic equipment. Of course, in our a main board It is more common on video cards, and solid state capacitors are already standard. Even some high-end desktop power supplies are equipped with solid state capacitors. However, more than ten years ago, electrolytic capacitors were still the main force on the motherboard. Solid state capacitors were only equipped in the CPU power supply part of some high-end motherboards, and were promoted as highlights by manufacturers.

     What are the advantages of solid state capacitors as the selling point of "all solid state" motherboard?

    The principle of a capacitor is actually two conductors close to each other, with a layer of non-conductive dielectric sandwiched between them. When a voltage is applied between the two plates of the capacitor, the capacitor will store charges. At present, capacitors play an important role in tuning, bypass, coupling, filtering and other circuits. According to the different dielectric materials in the middle interlayer, there are electrolytic capacitors, solid capacitors, tantalum capacitors, mica capacitors, ceramic capacitors and air capacitors.

     What are the advantages of solid state capacitors as the selling point of "all solid state" motherboard?

    The so-called electrolytic capacitor uses liquid electrolyte as dielectric material. The advantage of this type of capacitor is that its production cost is low. However, because the electrolyte is active at high temperature and its boiling point is not high, if the working temperature is too high, it will be heated and expanded, which will generate pressure on the inside of the capacitor, If the boiling point is exceeded, it may break through the capacitor shell and cause slurry explosion. Therefore, in addition to the capacity and withstand voltage values, the outer skin of the electrolytic capacitor is also marked with the temperature resistance value, usually dozens of ℃ or more than 100 ℃.

     What are the advantages of solid state capacitors as the selling point of "all solid state" motherboard?

    In addition, the electrolyte will be gradually consumed over a long period of time, which will lead to the decrease of capacitor capacity, and may bring hidden dangers to other parts of the circuit. For example, some old mainboards may restart for no reason when they are used for high load operation in the later period, and they may fail to start in the future, The electrolytic capacitor explosion in the CPU power supply part is often the culprit.

     What are the advantages of solid state capacitors as the selling point of "all solid state" motherboard?

    In order to make the motherboard and graphics card more stable and have a longer life, solid state capacitors have gradually become popular. As the name implies, the solid capacitor uses polymer solid materials as dielectric materials, and the solid materials will not be subject to thermal expansion, which will lead to slurry explosion. Moreover, it can withstand temperature up to 260 ℃, greatly increase stability and service life, and has superior characteristics such as environmental protection, low impedance, high and low temperature stability, high ripple resistance and high reliability, It is suitable for low voltage and high current applications, so it has been widely used by computer board products in recent years. Electrolytic capacitors are often used in areas with small load on the motherboard, such as network cards and sound cards.

     What are the advantages of solid state capacitors as the selling point of "all solid state" motherboard?

    Of course, the distinction between electrolytic capacitors and solid capacitors is also very simple. Electrolytic capacitors usually have colorful plastic skins marked with various parameters, while solid capacitors are usually directly exposed aluminum shells without plastic skins. However, some electrolytic capacitors are also directly exposed aluminum shells without plastic skins, so the most direct way to judge is that the top of the electrolytic capacitor shell is designed with a cross or K-shaped groove or bulge, which is mainly to allow high-temperature and high-pressure electrolyte to burst the outer shell from here, so as to avoid capacitor explosion to the maximum extent, There is no slotting design on the top of the solid capacitor, and the whole shell is a whole. Look carefully at the cross groove on the top of the capacitor in the figure below, which is an aluminum electrolytic capacitor.

     What are the advantages of solid state capacitors as the selling point of "all solid state" motherboard?

    Nowadays, many mainboards regard all solid state capacitors as selling points, but there are many aspects related to the performance of mainboards besides materials, including PCB circuit design, BIOS, etc. This is also the key to the "Yu San Jia" brand becoming the "Yu San Jia" brand.

    Two conductors close to each other, with a layer of non-conductive insulating medium sandwiched between them, constitute a capacitor. When a voltage is applied between the two plates of a capacitor, the capacitor will store electric charges. The capacitance of a capacitor is numerically equal to the ratio of the charge on one conductive plate to the voltage between two plates. The basic unit of capacitance of capacitor is Farad (F). In circuit diagrams, the letter C is usually used to denote capacitive components. [1]
    Capacitors play an important role in tuning, bypass, coupling, filtering and other circuits. transistor It is used in the tuning circuit of the radio, as well as in the coupling circuit and bypass circuit of the color TV. [1]

    02 Comparison of product parameters

    What is the difference between ASUS PRIME H610M-A D4 and MSI B760M BOMBER DDR4

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