
    DIY tip 5: The last cute thing to see after installation

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Dega

    Today, we share two installation precautions to help Mengxin reduce its blood pressure after installation.

    If you see the following accessories after installation, congratulations, you may have to disassemble the host again.

    This accessory is a main board The only function of this accessory is to prevent dust. If it is not installed, dust can easily enter the I/O area of the motherboard.

    Because of its special location, the I/O bezel must be installed on the motherboard before it is placed in the chassis, Unable to install outside the chassis

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    Fortunately, most high-end mainboards have been pre installed with I/O baffles, so we do not need to install them manually. However, some entry-level mainboards still do not pre install I/O baffles, so Mengxin needs to confirm this accessory before installing it to avoid repeated work.

    If you are sure to install the water-cooled radiator after installation, but after startup CPU temperature When starting at 80 ℃, there is no doubt that you must have forgotten to tear off the cold head protective film.

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    With the protective film in place, the radiator cannot conduct heat, just like without a radiator.

    Some young people may not find such mistakes for a year or two. They always feel that the computer performance they bought at a high price is not enough, so they should prevent it from the source.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: DIY tip 5: The last cute thing to see after installation true report nine hundred Today, we share two installation precautions to help Mengxin reduce its blood pressure after installation. 01 Have you installed your I/O baffle? If you see the following accessories after installation, congratulations, you may have to disassemble the host again. This accessory is the I/O baffle of the motherboard. The only function of this accessory is to prevent dust. If it is not installed, dust can easily enter the I/O area of the motherboard. Because of the special location
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