
    Desktop aesthetics: a blue sea of technology dedicated to Intel's 12th generation of coolness

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: 0 degree rum

    As an old fan of Intel brand, the author is very happy to see this generation of Core processors competing so well. But just being happy and not celebrating is nothing.

    Maybe I have seen too many videos about desktop matching recently, maybe I was planted grass by the cool RGB light strips on the old Zhang's work station next door, or maybe I think the working life of 996 is too dull. In a word, it's time to go crazy when Intel releases the 12th generation of Core!

    This issue of Desktop Aesthetics Matching Guide shares the 12th generation of Core theme desktop built by the author for Intel. It's time to add something to the needs of ordinary life!

    01 Desktop: TV cabinet+plush carpet, warm and comfortable

    Desktop creation is not only a technical activity, but also requires a unique perspective and careful use of desktop space.

    What kind of desktop does Intel Core need? It mainly depends on the size of the display. Because the display product selected by the author when building the theme desktop is Gigabyte FO48U This huge e-sports screen, a huge screen, inspired the author to have a bold idea: Who said that the theme desktop must be on the table?

    The large screen+TV cabinet, such a living room match, can be fun to play games!

    On the screen cabinet, people sit on the carpet. With the large screen is a long wool carpet, which feels soft and warm. It's very comfortable to sit cross legged on this carpet when playing large screen games or watching plays.

    Of course, if you choose a monitor like Gigabyte M27Q For such 27 inch conventional e-sports display products, e-sports table+e-sports chair is the most correct gold matching scheme.

     Gigabyte M27Q

    Gigabyte M27Q

    [Distributor]   Jingdong Mall

    [Product price]   2199 yuan

    02 Configuration: All expenses are experience

    After talking about the environment layout, let's take a look at the hardware configuration of this Intel Core theme desktop.

    The monitor is the soul of a desktop. As mentioned earlier, the author chose Gigabyte FO48U This 48 inch video game giant screen. Why? Nothing else, just because the visual effect is shocking enough!

    The theme desktop is built to celebrate Intel's release of the 12th generation Core. Without this great leap forward in performance of Core processors, Intel Core themed desktops will not be born. If you want to experience the surging performance of this generation of Core processors, you can play games and work professionally.

    As a senior fat house, the first choice of the author is naturally the game. Gigabyte FO48U, the giant video game screen, OLED panel, 48 inch, 4K resolution, 120Hz refresh rate, HDMI2.1 interface, all the parameter requirements for the top game screen, have been met.

    In particular, the high-quality OLED panel it carries has a self luminous panel structure. Compared with LCD panel displays on the market, color changes can be achieved without deflecting the liquid crystal molecules, and the performance of screen brightness, uniformity, color gamut, visual angle and contrast is better.

    The display screen is the face of the theme desktop, and the host is the heart of the theme desktop. Since the display screen adopts the top configuration in the market, the performance of the host cannot be crouched. Since it is for better use experience, all expenses are worth it!

    The CPU directly selects Core i9-12900K, the flagship processor product of the 12th generation Core, with 16 cores and 24 threads, 8 Performance Cores and 8 Efficiency Cores that do not support hyper threading. The maximum core frequency can reach 5.0GHz.

    a main board Select the sub flagship motherboard from the Gigabyte brand - Z690 AORUS MASTER, referred to as Gigabyte Super Sculpture Z690 for short. Ultra high specification motherboard materials ensure the stable operation of the 12th generation Core processor. Full coverage armor+Gigabyte third generation stack type fins, powerful heat dissipation; The core power supply of the motherboard is 19 phases, and the single-phase power supply has reached an unprecedented 105A, bringing a lasting and stable power supply to the processor.

    Performance does not represent faith. Since ancient times, the chassis and lights have accompanied each other. This time, in order to achieve a more extreme sense of atmosphere, the author added some light panels to decorate after installing all the hardware into the chassis. In this way, in addition to the RGB light effect of the hardware, the customized pattern light board also makes the host look more cool.

    Custom light panel

    03 Light effect: blue ocean, full of performance, constantly moving

    After the installation, debugging and beautification of the host, let's talk about the part that can best express the sense of ceremony - Intel element decoration.

    We know that Intel's brand image has always been blue with a sense of technology, so here we choose an integrated RGB light bar to create a blue ocean feeling for the whole room. It is very convenient to place, and it will save more effort when changing the layout and background elements later.

    Secondly, the author also customized a light board for this desktop. In addition, an optional pixel speaker with Intel pattern displayed on it can directly fill the atmosphere.

    As the most cutting-edge high-tech product at present, Intel's 12th generation Core processor must have a geek like desktop style. Here we have installed an additional screen product, which can display the performance occupancy of the hardware in real time. It not only fills the desktop with a sense of technology, but also allows players to understand the performance information of hardware in real time.

    When the machine is turned on, the cabinet light and the ambient light are shining and pleasing. The blue ocean with abundant performance is born!

    04 Matching summary

    In short, the theme desktop can be considered from the visual and experience aspects, that is, the sense of fluency provided by high-performance products and the sense of atmosphere created by lighting.

    This desktop is mainly composed of blue elements. Players familiar with DIY can see the Intel theme elements at a glance. At the same time, the blue color gives people a sense of science fiction and future, and it also conforms to the public's product positioning and understanding of the surging performance and future of the 12th generation Core processor.

    Everyone has their own pursuit and love, and the shaping of desktop space magnifies this pursuit and love.

    With a few square meters of desktop space, everyone can experience a more interesting life. How will you create your own desktop? Welcome to leave messages with us in the comment area!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Desktop aesthetics: a blue sea of technology dedicated to Intel's 12th generation of coolness true report four thousand and ninety-five As an old fan of Intel brand, the author is very happy to see this generation of Core processors competing so well. But just being happy and not celebrating is nothing. Maybe I have seen too many videos about desktop matching recently, maybe I was planted grass by the cool RGB light strips on the old Zhang's work station next door, or maybe I think the working life of 996 is too dull. In short, it's time to take advantage of Ying
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