
    Hangjia WD650K power supply evaluation: gold medal performance wins the world

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhao Wusheng   |   Editor in charge: Zhao Wusheng

    The new platforms of Intel and AMD have entered the players' vision. More cores and threads have brought stronger performance, and higher requirements for power supply have also been put forward. Hangjia WD series Power Supply Many gamers pay attention to this series of products because of its wide width, stability and gold medal performance. Now this series of products has ushered in an increased version WD650K , while maintaining the gold medal efficiency, the rated power has been increased to 650W, and the CPU power supply has been increased to 8+8pin, which can meet the needs of overclocking players. We will bring you the evaluation of this power supply.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply

    Hangjia WD650K follows the packaging design of WD series. The dark gray and gold color match keep the simple and elegant style. The packaging has the main product parameters. The rated power of 650W also directly shows the product positioning. This power supply also enjoys a three-year warranty.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply

    The WD650K power supply is still a standard ATX size, 140 × 150 × 86mm can be easily placed in the mainstream chassis, and the dark matte surface treatment can also be matched with different styles of platforms.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power input terminal design

    An independent switch is designed at the input end of the power supply to facilitate players to turn off the power supply without the inconvenience of plugging and unplugging wires. Wide range input is also a major stability of the WD series, which is more useful for areas with unstable voltage. The power supply is equipped with a 12CM silent hydraulic fan and an intelligent temperature control circuit design to create a more quiet use experience for users and players.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Close up of Hangjia WD650K power parameter nameplate

    Hangjia WD650K power parameter nameplate is still designed on the side, and the main parameters are marked here. The rated power 650W can meet the requirements of the single card flagship platform, and the single 12V output can reach 50A or 600W. After 80PLUS gold certification, it can provide sufficient power supply support for hardware.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Non modular wire is added with woven mesh to increase strength

    The power supply adopts non module output wire, and different hardware power supply cables are wrapped with woven mesh, which can provide better stability and durability. In order to cope with the overclocking environment, the CPU of the power supply adopts dual 4+4pin, which is enough to provide sufficient power for the high-end motherboard.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply Use effect

    The wire material of the main hardware of the power supply has reached 50cm, and the CPU power supply line has reached 70cm. It is necessary for players who need a clean back line. The drawback is that the power supply only has two 6+2pin graphics cards to supply power, and does not support three 8pin graphics cards.

    The next step is the actual test. The first step is the conversion efficiency.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power conversion efficiency

    Hangjia WD650K power supply has passed the 80 PLUS gold medal certification. In the actual test, it also achieved gold medal efficiency under different loads, and achieved white gold medal efficiency under full load. It can be seen that its energy-saving effect is very good.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply standby power consumption

    Thanks to the active PFC design, the power supply has better power factor performance, and the standby power as low as 0.31W can also provide users with stable and energy-saving power consumption support.

    The power supply has excellent performance in conversion efficiency. Next, let's take a look at the voltage deviation of the power supply, so that we can intuitively understand the output and stability performance of the power supply.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply+12V voltage deviation

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply+5V voltage deviation

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply+3.3V voltage deviation

    From the test data, the voltage deviation of each output of Hangjia WD650K power supply is all better than the limit value of 5%, and the+12V output performs better within the deviation range of 2%.

    The cross load can pull the output of each channel to the extreme value for testing, which can better reflect the deviation of each channel. Next, let's see the test results.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power cross load deviation setting

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply+12V cross load voltage deviation

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply+5V cross load voltage deviation

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply+3.3V cross load voltage deviation

    From the test results, Hangjia WD650K power supply also controlled the output voltage within 5% deviation, and the+12V and+5V output performed better within 2% deviation.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power output ripple

    The power supply ripple is a manifestation of voltage fluctuation, which is inevitable in the process of AC to DC power supply. However, the size of the ripple can reflect whether the power supply is good or not. The ripple of Hangjia WD650K power supply under 100% load is controlled within 30mV, indicating that the filtering of the product is in place.

    After testing the output performance of the power supply, we will take the power supply apart to see the internal workmanship and material performance of the product.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Hangjia WD650K power supply internal

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Primary EMI filter circuit

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Secondary EMI filter circuit

    Hangjia WD650K power supply adopts a mature active PFC+LLC resonance+DC toDC architecture. The power supply has complete secondary EMI circuits, and the main capacitance reaches 470 microf. Combined with active FPC, it can also provide stable output for the whole machine.

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    Main capacitor system Jinshan capacitance 470 micro method

     Hangjia WD650K power evaluation: gold medal performance overclocking support
    DC toDC circuit

    Evaluation summary: Hangjia WD650K power supply is a product targeting high-end game platform. The rated power of 650W can meet the power supply demand of the single card flagship platform. The 80 PLUS gold medal certification has a good energy-saving performance. The overall power output is stable, the internal workmanship and materials are solid, and there is also a wide range of input support. It is suitable for game players who pursue gold medal efficiency and have a demand for overclocking.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Hangjia WD650K power supply evaluation: gold medal performance wins the world // true // report three thousand one hundred and forty-one The new platforms of Intel and AMD have entered the players' vision. More cores and threads have brought stronger performance, and higher requirements for power supply have also been put forward. Hangjia WD series power supply has attracted the attention of many game players for its wide range stability and gold medal performance. Now this series of products has ushered in an additional WD650K, which has raised its rated power to 650W while maintaining the gold medal performance. CPU power supply
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