Accelerate the construction of "three major projects" in cities

2024-06-12 09:19 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Accelerate the construction of "three major projects" in cities

09:19, June 12, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

It is a key task at present and in the future to solidly promote the "three major projects" of affordable housing construction, urban village reconstruction and public infrastructure construction of "emergency and emergency". The construction of the "three major projects" is of great significance. Accelerating the construction of the "three major projects" is not only a move to benefit the people, but also a plan for development and a strategy for transformation. At present, the "three major projects" focus on construction and quality safety, which is expected to achieve tangible results as soon as possible.

The planning and construction of affordable housing is a major reform to improve the housing system and supply system, and reconstruct the market and security relationship. The purpose is to realize that the government guarantees the basic demand, the market meets the multi-level housing demand, and establish a housing system that combines rent and purchase. Since this year, we have paid more attention to the introduction of policies, project construction, "good house" construction, and the preparation of housing development plans to effectively promote the construction of affordable housing. The construction of affordable housing will be coordinated with the development of the commercial housing market. In cities with a large inventory of commercial housing, the government can order it on demand and organize local state-owned enterprises to purchase a part of the stock of commercial housing at a reasonable price as affordable housing. The People's Bank of China proposed to set up 300 billion yuan of affordable housing refinancing to give support. To promote the construction of affordable housing, we should further accelerate the commencement of projects, introduce relevant policies, and implement the central subsidy and land, financial, fiscal and tax support policies.

The focus of the reform of planning and construction of affordable housing is to expand the allocation of affordable housing. Many cities have actively promoted the commencement of projects on the basis of scientifically preparing the implementation plan of affordable housing for rationing. Hangzhou has proposed a plan to raise 50000 affordable housing units for allotment from 2024 to 2028, and no less than 6000 units will be built in 2024; In 2024, Hefei will prepare to build 9 affordable housing projects, which can provide 4000 houses; Guiyang plans to build 10000 affordable housing units within 5 years, and plans to start construction of 3600 units in 2024; In 2024, Guangzhou plans to build at least 10000 affordable housing units for allocation. On the basis of promoting the early start and completion of affordable housing for allotment, more attention should be paid to building affordable housing for allotment into a "good house". In accordance with the green, low-carbon, intelligent and safe standards, we should do a good job in household design, supporting facilities construction and public service supply, so that people can live healthily.

The reconstruction of villages in cities is a major livelihood project to solve the urgent problems of the people. It is of great significance to eliminate potential safety risks, improve the living environment, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, optimize urban spatial layout, improve land use efficiency, and promote high-quality urban development. Some cities have determined the transformation plan of urban villages in 2024: Shanghai plans to launch at least 15 transformation projects of urban villages; Shenzhen will accelerate the implementation of 60 classified transformation projects of villages in cities; Hangzhou plans to implement 59 urban village reconstruction projects. Some cities also announced the construction goal of resettlement housing while announcing the goal of urban village reconstruction in 2024: Fuzhou plans to implement 12 urban village reconstruction projects and build 10000 resettlement housing units; Qingdao plans to start the reconstruction of 20 villages in the city and build 31000 resettlement houses. Some cities have issued regulations to regulate the transformation of villages in cities. For example, the Regulations on the Reconstruction of Urban Villages in Guangzhou regulates the transformation objectives, transformation methods, compensation and resettlement plans, land acquisition, dispute resolution and other aspects. In the process of promoting the transformation of urban villages, the original intention and original intention of the transformation of urban villages should be maintained, and the elimination of various potential safety risks should be the first priority. Each project should have a complete collection compensation scheme and fund balance scheme. We should also grasp the key links, adhere to the legal collection and net land transfer, protect the legitimate rights and interests of villagers, do a good job in industrial relocation, and combine with affordable housing construction to effectively promote the transformation of urban villages in an orderly manner.

The public infrastructure construction of "emergency and peaceful" is a major measure to coordinate development and safety and improve urban resilience. The key is "available at ordinary times and in emergencies". The "emergency and emergency" public infrastructure is an important emergency support facility integrating emergency medical care and material support. To build a batch of "emergency and emergency" public infrastructure will help to fill the gap of temporary resettlement and emergency supplies in cities, and promote higher quality, more sustainable and safer urban development. Some cities actively and steadily promote the construction of public infrastructure for both emergency and peaceful purposes by improving policy systems, establishing working mechanisms, accelerating project construction. Up to now, Kunming has officially launched 12 "flat and emergency" projects, with an investment of 357 million yuan; Three new projects are planned to start in the near future. Nanning has identified 62 projects as the first batch of public infrastructure construction projects of "emergency and emergency". In order to build public infrastructure for both emergency and emergency purposes in mega cities, we should focus on coordinating the newly built increment and revitalizing the stock, actively revitalizing the inefficient and idle resources in cities, and build new facilities according to laws and regulations, local conditions and needs. We should also give full play to the role of the market mechanism, encourage and attract more private capital to participate in the construction, transformation, operation and maintenance of the "emergency" public infrastructure. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Kang Shu)

(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Wonderful pictures