Hainan Free Trade Port is taking shape

2024-06-06 08:31 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Hainan Free Trade Port is taking shape

08:31, June 6, 2024     Source: Economic Daily    

As the largest special economic zone in China, Hainan has the unique advantage of implementing the policy of comprehensively deepening reform and testing the highest level of opening up. On June 1, 2020, with the release of the Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, Hainan Province, on the coast of the South China Sea, will accelerate the construction of a high-level open free trade port with Chinese characteristics.

In the past four years, the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port has taken shape and gained momentum. The pace of free trade port construction has been accelerating. The construction of parks, industrial development, business environment, ecological civilization protection and other work have been carried out in an orderly manner. Hainan's high-quality development has shown a good momentum of rapid and steady progress. From the blueprint to the reality, the policy advantages of Hainan Free Trade Port are constantly emerging, and a new Hainan that is open to the outside world and accelerating development is presented to the world.

On the evening of June 3, the site of the Hainan Center project located in Guoxing Avenue, Haikou City, was full of tower cranes and lights. The scene was busy. The Hainan Center project, which has broken through the 200 meter major construction node, will become a new landmark in Haikou after completion. The Haikou CCCC International Free Trade Center project across the road from the project has quickly ignited the surrounding business circle after only a few months of operation. Huang Kai, the legal representative of Anhui Yujie Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., said after the inspection, "The construction of Hainan Free Trade Port has opened a window for business entities and all kinds of talents to connect home and abroad, with broad development prospects and huge market opportunities. With the acceleration of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, more business entities and talents will come to Hainan to show their talents."

Haikou Jiangdong New Area is one of the 11 key parks of Hainan Free Trade Port. In order to speed up the building of a beautiful new city integrating industry and city, Jiangdong New Area makes every effort to promote infrastructure construction. In May 2024, Jiangdong New Area will achieve an operating revenue of 28.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19%. In the first five months, the operating revenue is expected to achieve 154 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 31%, which will continue to empower the development of the park.

At the construction site of Jiangdong New Campus Project of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College, located in Jiangdong New District, Haikou, the overall construction and facade curtain wall of the building have been completed, the fine decoration project has entered the final stage, and the municipal garden is under construction. The project leader of China Railway Construction South Company, the project construction unit, said, "When the project is completed, it will meet the medical needs of the planned development of Jiangdong New District, Haikou, and at the same time radiate the medical needs of Haikou's surrounding areas and even the whole province, becoming an important medical guarantee for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port".

In the past year, Hainan adhered to the dual wheel drive of "policy+action" and the two-way drive of "expanding demand+strengthening the main body", and made every effort to fight for the economy, focus on projects, and promote development. The economy of the province continued to recover and improve, and the growth rate of many indicators ranked among the best in the country. Among them, the regional GDP grew by 9.2% year on year, the second fastest in China; The industrial added value above designated size and the service added value increased by 18.5% and 10.3% year on year respectively, and the growth rate of both indicators ranked first in China; The total retail sales of consumer goods and trade in goods increased by 10.7% and 15.3% respectively year on year, both of which ranked fifth in the country.

According to the spokesman of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, in 2023, Hainan will officially start the preparatory work for the closure operation, accelerate the design of various policies and systems, basically complete the main works of 31 closure projects, and 22 of the 27 pressure testing tasks have been substantively carried out. This year, the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and the Hainan Provincial People's Government organized the action of "preparing for the operation of the customs clearance", and fully promoted the operation of the customs clearance as the "No. 1 project" of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.

In Sanya Yazhouwan Science and Technology City, the pace of creating a national high-tech industrial development zone has been accelerating. At present, more than 20 top agricultural research institutes and university branches have settled in, and more than 2800 seed industry innovation enterprises have gathered, boosting the output value of the province's southern reproduction industry to exceed 12 billion yuan.

As a leading seed enterprise in the Science and Technology City, Longping Biotechnology (Hainan) Co., Ltd. is committed to the character research and development and variety improvement of major grain and oil crops. Since 2023, it has enjoyed an additional deduction of 44.9743 million yuan from corporate income tax research and development expenses, significantly reducing "gene editing of maize yield traits" and "creation of new materials for high yield and disease resistance of maize" And a series of major scientific research projects. Chen Hui, the chief financial officer of the company, sighed that last year, the state increased the deduction ratio of R&D expenses of qualified industry enterprises to 100%, and implemented it as a long-term institutional arrangement, which has formed an effective incentive for enterprises to increase R&D investment. "As a national intellectual property advantage enterprise and a specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprise in Hainan Province, we will deepen the field of biological breeding under the support of the national tax and free trade port construction policies, launch more high-yield, stable yield, excellent quality first-class varieties, and help the innovation and development of breeding characteristic industries in the south of the free trade port."

A few days ago, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice of typical experience and practices found in the special supervision of optimizing the business environment, notifying 30 typical experience and practices of optimizing the business environment nationwide. Among them, Hainan Province's typical experience and practice of "deepening the reform of the system and mechanism, forming a business environment construction pattern with high-level promotion, up and down linkage, and left and right coordination" was selected. In recent years, Hainan Province has anchored the highest level of opening up, continued to promote the implementation of various policies of the free trade port to take effect, continued to improve and optimize the business environment, and policy dividends have continued to be transformed into development momentum. The high-level opening up of Hainan Free Trade Port is constantly expanding. (Economic Daily reporter Wang Wei, Pan Shipeng)


(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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