Each region competes for the new track of industrial development according to local conditions

2024-06-14 08:41 Source: Economic Information Daily
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Each region competes for the new track of industrial development according to local conditions

08:41, June 14, 2024     Source: Economic Information Daily    

Editor's Note

At present, accelerating the development of new quality productivity is the only way for all regions to promote high-quality economic development. However, China not only has a vast territory and different natural conditions, but also has many new tracks brought by new technologies, changes and models. Therefore, when developing new quality productive forces, local governments should not blindly follow the trend of "getting hot" and "following the trend". In accordance with this, we can see that Maanshan, Anhui, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, Jinjiang, Fujian and other places have adopted flexible policies in line with local conditions, selectively promoted the development of new industries, new models, and new drivers, and created a high-quality development path that conforms to local realities.

Xuzhou, Jiangsu: Digging Digital "New Rich Ore"

In early summer, when we walked into Jiangsu Huamei Thermal Power Co., Ltd., located in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, we saw rows of monocrystalline silicon high-efficiency photovoltaic modules, including single row buttress, double axis tracking, oblique single axis tracking, flat single axis tracking photovoltaic, buoy photovoltaic, cable photovoltaic, distributed on the ground, roof, and water surface, as if we walked into a "photovoltaic museum".

Coming to the corridor on the water, the reporter saw that the corridor photovoltaic panel combined with toughened glass and photovoltaic modules not only plays a protective role, but also can use solar energy to generate electricity. The footpath on the ground is embedded with "photovoltaic floor tiles", equipped with batteries and LED lights. Solar energy charges the batteries during the day and LED lights illuminate at night.

Through the corridor and looking up, Huaihai Big Data Industrial Park is not far away. Next to it is the thermal power plant, where the original Pangzhuang Coal Mine is located. Xuzhou, an old industrial city, is one of the representatives of domestic resource-based cities. In the past, large-scale and high-intensity ore mining has been carried out for a long time, resulting in serious air pollution.

Zheng Hong, general manager of Jiangsu Huamei Thermal Power Co., Ltd., told the reporter that the company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xuzhou Mining Group Co., Ltd. with an accumulated coal production of 1 billion tons. After realizing the transformation from "black" (coal) to "white" (heat), the company began to move towards green development - using surplus energy to cool equipment and develop big data industry.

At present, the local coal enterprises in Xuzhou are developing towards a clean and efficient direction. In recent years, Jiangsu Huamei Thermal Power Co., Ltd. has focused on the digital "new rich mine" and accelerated the transformation to "dig data" and "sell services".

"We use the cogeneration technology to recover the waste heat generated from power generation, convert it into hot water or steam, and transport it to residential areas through the heat pipe network, serving about 1.5 million residents every year." Zheng Hong said that the company not only provides heat and power to the main urban area of Xuzhou and other cities, but also uses a large amount of spare energy to build the Huaihai Big Data Industrial Park, Realize green and efficient utilization of energy.

Lu Guanfa, the deputy general manager and chief engineer of Jiangsu Huamei Thermal Power Co., Ltd., told the reporter that the distributed photovoltaic power generation project here started grid connection two years ago and generated about 4 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually. After fully meeting the power demand of Huaihai Big Data Industrial Park, there was still a surplus. The big data machine room is an "electric tiger", which consumes a lot of surplus energy. Relying on the advantage of energy supply, Jiangsu Huamei Thermal Power Co., Ltd. has invested to build the Huaihai Big Data Industrial Park, which is expected to accommodate more than 20000 cabinets, innovatively utilize the high-temperature steam of the power plant, and convert it into energy for cooling the machine room. The big data machine room here has four security power supplies, and the power supply security level is extremely high.

When entering the Huaihai Big Data Control Center, rows of large screens came into view. A group of key data related to operation and maintenance on the large screen kept jumping and converging into three-dimensional images. With a click of the mouse in front of the console, the staff can give instructions to the equipment in the Big Data Industrial Park and check the operation of the equipment in real time.

"We can rest assured that the data is stored here." The "cloud" service of Huaihai Big Data Industrial Park was well received by key customers such as Xuzhou Data Bureau and Xuzhou Public Security Bureau.

"We have also cooperated with China Mobile, Telecom, Unicom, Huawei and other companies to actively develop the national market. Huaihai Big Data Industrial Park has gradually become the big data highland of Huaihai Economic Zone," said Feng Xingzhen, chairman of Xuzhou Mining Group Co., Ltd.

This is a microcosm of Xuzhou's efforts to promote energy efficient utilization and high-quality development.

Xuzhou, shouldering the dual task of revitalizing old industrial cities and transforming resource-based cities, has accelerated the transformation from traditional industries to emerging industries in recent years, and the city's "industrial forest" has gradually flourished. Song Lewei, secretary of Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee, said: "Next, Xuzhou will focus on cultivating and strengthening new quality productivity, accelerate the construction of the central city of Huaihai Economic Zone, and create a strong fulcrum for high-quality development of Jiangsu."

Jinjiang, Fujian: Anchoring the "Immovable Industrial Chain"

There are 30 swimsuits for every 100 swimsuits in the world from Jinjiang, Fujian, and 1 umbrella for every 3 umbrellas in the world. Jinjiang's brand men's clothing production accounts for about 25% of the country, the leisure food industry accounts for about 20% of the country, and the external wall ceramics production accounts for about 60% of the country... Jinjiang, Fujian, a county-level city with a land area of only 649 square kilometers, is the most active private economy in China One of the most developed manufacturing regions.

At present, with the intensification of industrial competition, many key manufacturing cities are facing the pressure of enterprise relocation and industry hollowing out, while Jinjiang has shown the confidence that "our industrial chain cannot be transferred".

Jinjiang is known as "China's Shoe City", "China's Zipper City" and "China's Famous Weaving Town". There is a saying that it is the simplest to start a business in Jinjiang. Take sneakers as an example, all the necessary elements from R&D, production to sales can be gathered within a radius of 50 kilometers.

Jinjiang's confidence first comes from the industrial chain advantages accumulated during the 40 years of reform and opening up.

Starting from the township economy of "village ignition and household lighting", the once small and scattered Jinjiang industry has poor risk resistance and competitiveness. In order to change this situation, in recent years, Jinjiang has vigorously promoted the whole chain and whole process of traditional competitive industries to strengthen the chain supplement, and created an industrial ecology with complete chains, supporting facilities and elements. Today, Jinjiang's industry has transformed from "fighting alone" to "coordinated operation" in the industrial chain. A "rootstock network" of interdependence and close collaboration has been formed between leading enterprises and SMEs, as well as between upstream and downstream industries.

"Enterprises can move out, but the industrial chain can't move away. Some enterprises need more space for development after they grow up, and will choose to set up a second headquarters in the first tier cities or set up factories overseas, but their core part is often still in Jinjiang." Ding Qingxiong, a member of the Party Leadership Group of Jinjiang Development and Reform Bureau, said.

In the "root network" of Jinjiang industrial chain, large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises have a very close cooperative relationship, forming a stable industrial chain of common prosperity. Chen Changxi, executive vice president of Jinjiang Food Industry Association, said that large, small and medium-sized enterprises in the industry could cooperate with each other and get what they need, which could more effectively promote the development and growth of the entire industrial chain.

Gather chains into groups, and cluster into potential. At present, Jinjiang has more than 310000 market operators, forming an industrial cluster of more than 300 billion yuan (shoes and clothing), more than 100 billion yuan (textile), more than 50 billion yuan (building materials, food) and more than 10 billion yuan (integrated circuit, intelligent equipment, medical health). Tens of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises have found their place in the industrial chain. At the same time, driven by the main chain enterprises, Jinjiang's industrial clusters are transforming and upgrading to high-end, green and intelligent.

Secondly, the benign relationship between government and business is also one of the secrets for Jinjiang to attract talents and retain enterprises. In the "root network" of Jinjiang industrial chain, there is an existence that cannot be ignored - the government.

During the survey, Liu Liangbin, president of Jinjiang Chongqing Chamber of Commerce, told the reporter his entrepreneurial story. More than 20 years ago, Liu Liangbin came to Jinjiang from Chongqing. At first, he worked as a handyman in the factory. In 2012, he founded his own outdoor products brand. Now, his company's products have been exported to more than 40 countries and regions around the world. When talking about why we should stay in Jinjiang, Liu Liangbin said that the business environment in Jinjiang is not good like shouting slogans, but the government sincerely serves enterprises and solves their problems.

Good business environment has become the "golden signboard" of Jinjiang to promote the development of private economy. It is reported that Jinjiang attaches great importance to the construction of business environment, puts forward the service concept of "no call, no call, considerate service, do what you say", introduces the brand of "Jinxin Jinli" business environment, creates a first-class business environment for the development of private economy, and is selected as one of the first batch of innovative counties (cities) in business environment in China.

Under the good business environment, Jinjiang private economy has developed rapidly and healthily. At present, the number of private enterprises in Jinjiang has reached 96000, and 1258 enterprises with an output value of more than 100 million yuan. In Jinjiang, the output value, tax revenue and employment created by private enterprises account for more than 90%.

It is worth mentioning that in the face of the siphon effect of big cities on talent, science and technology and other industrial resources, how to sing the "grand play" of high-quality industrial development in a small space is an important direction of Jinjiang's reform in recent years.

In the past, the lack of talents, especially high-end talents, was a major bottleneck in Jinjiang's industrial development. For this reason, Jinjiang has always adhered to the working idea of "where the leading industry develops, the talent work will be arranged", gathering talents with industry and prospering industry with talents to inject continuous power into the industrial development.

"In recent years, Jinjiang has comprehensively implemented the gathering of scientific and innovative talents, doubled the number of master and doctoral talents, and revitalized the" three talents action "of skilled talents, and constantly improved the whole chain talent ecology of" introducing, cultivating, using, retaining and storing ". Up to now, the total number of Jinjiang's talent resources has exceeded 180000, and more than 5000 high-level talents at all levels and of all kinds have been recognized in total," Ding Qingxiong said.

It is understood that in order to expand talent introduction channels, Jinjiang has also creatively created a "talent enclave", set up the Bay Area "Creative Innovation and Creation Center" and Jinjiang (Wuhan) Offshore Innovation Center, and set up a talent science and innovation fund to build a "fund+enclave" innovation factor introduction mechanism to inject momentum into Jinjiang's industrial transformation and upgrading.

In addition, Zhang Qingchang, Director of Jinjiang Municipal Bureau of Science and Technology, said that in order to meet the needs of technological innovation enabling industry development, Jinjiang has comprehensively improved the cohesion and integration of scientific and technological innovation resources, and has signed a contract to introduce platforms such as the Jinjiang Institute of Technological Innovation of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Haixi Research and Development Center of Xianyang Ceramics Research Institute, and the China Science Huaqing (Quanzhou) Fine Ceramics Research Institute, The provincial integrated circuit innovation laboratory was established to achieve full coverage of high-level scientific research platforms in leading industries.

Adequate development reserve space is also an important guarantee for the industry to become bigger and stronger. As a county-level city, Jinjiang has a congenital obstacle of insufficient space for industrial development. In recent years, Jinjiang has vigorously promoted the revitalization of inefficient land use pilot projects and standardized construction of parks, cracked the constraints of factor resources, and made room for the development of private economy. Up to now, Jinjiang has planned and generated 194 park standardization projects. At present, 463 enterprises have signed contracts and settled in, and more enterprises have settled in and put into production.

Ma'anshan, Anhui: Focusing on the "stock renewal" of traditional industries

In recent years, Ma'anshan City in Anhui Province has taken manufacturing industry as the "key", high-end, intelligent and green as the main direction, and digital empowerment as the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries to promote the "stock renewal" of traditional industries.

"Optimus Prime" Becomes the "Pioneer" of Transformation

The flexible mechanical arm keeps dancing, the busy crown block shuttles back and forth for lifting, and the trucks loaded with wire coils leave the warehouse orderly. However, when looking closely, there was not a staff member in the rolling mill console, in the crown block cockpit, or even in the ground warehouse area.

This is the scene after the finished product warehouse area of high-speed wire rod production line of Baosteel Masteel Special Steel Co., Ltd. is upgraded. "The situation of low efficiency and high labor intensity of personnel in the original reservoir area has been fundamentally changed, and the frequent starting, stopping, hook stabilizing and other actions of the crown block caused by manual operation have been avoided, which is expected to reduce the energy consumption of equipment by more than 30%." Song Yong, a technician of high-speed wire rod production line of Baowu Masteel Special Steel Co., Ltd., said.

Ma Steel's high-speed wire rod production line, once known as the "cradle of China's high-speed wire rod", has undergone a long time of tempering and accumulation, and has been constantly transforming, upgrading and surpassing itself. With this project, it has taken the lead in filling the gap of domestic high-speed wire rod unmanned crane intelligent plane finished product library, and once again takes the lead in the industry.

Throughout the plant area of Baowu Masteel, such projects as "changing the old look" and "returning to the peak" are not unique - China's high-speed railway has put on the "domestic running shoes" of Masteel, the Masteel Smart Park known as "the strongest brain" has been built and put into use, and "Baoluo" robot employees have officially taken up their posts

Set according to steel and prosper due to steel. When it comes to the industrial transformation and upgrading of Ma'anshan, Baowu Masteel is a "giant". Once the "Optimus Prime" of the city's industry, in the battle to develop new quality productivity, it is still a "horse" first, and has set up a "Masteel model" for transformation and upgrading.

Looking back at history, Baowu Masteel has created many historical firsts in China, such as the first train tyre, the first set of high-speed wire rods, the first H-beam steel, the first steel strand, and so on, which has stood up the backbone of Chinese steel in that era.

Based on the current situation, in September 2019, Masteel, which has a production scale of 20 million tons of steel, and China's Baowu, which has a production capacity of nearly 70 million tons, joined forces to implement strategic restructuring and promote transformation and upgrading with the smart manufacturing technology of "centralization, unmanned, and fewer people". Baowu Masteel stepped onto a new runway of secondary entrepreneurship, transformation and upgrading.

Today's Baowu Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is equipped with "smart brain" for operation management and control, and is fully committed to technological innovation and "digital" running. Through the application of new technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things, big data, 5G, AI, etc., the traditional smelting unit is transformed into an automatic steel manufacturing unit equipped with "smart core". Under the support of accurate and efficient management system, new technologies and products are born here in batches.

In 2023, Baowu Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. was rated as a national "digital pilot" enterprise, which has achieved the "acceleration" of new quality productivity and is completely overturning people's stereotype of the traditional steel industry.

Thick product but thin hair. This "steel giant", who came from the hot years of molten iron, has already marched forward in the tide of developing new quality productivity, and is heading for a new journey of high-quality development with this city.

Strong momentum of "new" tide in the city

AGV transfer, robot loading and unloading, three claw automatic centering, electromagnetic chuck automatic clamping, automatic iron chip suction cleaning, the entire production system has been completed in one go... On the intelligent production line of Jingyi Plant of Maanshan Tongli Slewing Bearing Co., Ltd., a series of production equipment has been automated, mechanized, and intelligentized, and the production efficiency has been significantly improved.

Enter the new energy heavy truck assembly workshop of Hanma Science and Technology Co., Ltd., and the new energy heavy trucks are offline from here. "Every part of our engine has its own QR code, just like their 'ID card', and you can see all the information of the product at a glance." The person in charge of the smart factory of Hanma Technology said that the methanol heavy trucks and engine products produced by the production line have been sold to Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Guizhou Yunnan and other major regional markets in China.

Invest 12 million yuan to implement the technical transformation project of the production line of nutritional soft candy and oral liquid; Invest 36 million yuan to implement the intelligent filling and packaging technology transformation project of functional beverage production line; Invest 74 million yuan to implement the technical transformation project of the self-made bag oral liquid production line... In recent years, the rolling technical transformation and incremental investment have brought "real gold and silver" to Xianle Health Technology (Anhui) Co., Ltd.

A single branch is not spring, and the "new" tide is full of momentum. It can be seen from the application of innovative scenes in Ma'anshan's traditional industries that the transformation and upgrading of "intelligence" and "number" has become the consensus of all walks of life in this city.

Under the guidance of Ma'anshan City's "new tactics", such as adhering to the "guiding principle" of manufacturing industry, promoting industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system with advanced manufacturing industry as the backbone; In the extensive practice and application of the successful experience of "smart" transformation and upgrading of Baowu Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., a "leader", enterprises have upgraded their technology and improved their quality and efficiency. One by one, scientific and technological achievements have been put into effect and enabled to develop. Batches of "old capacity" have been transformed into "new momentum", bringing together a strong joint force to develop new quality productivity and promote high-quality development.

According to the data, in 2023, Ma'anshan will promote the "intelligent transformation to digital networking" by industry, with the coverage rate of intelligent transformation of industrial enterprises with a revenue of more than 500 million yuan exceeding 80%, 258 smart factories, digital workshops and digital production lines at the municipal level and above, and 47 key industrial Internet platform projects.

Make room for development with "combination boxing"

Obviously, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the cultivation and expansion of new quality productivity can not be completed by an enterprise or a scientific research institution, but must have a good development ecology to promote the innovative allocation of production factors. This requires that we must speed up the reform and innovation of the system and mechanism, constantly adjust the relations of production, and open up a free space for the development of new quality productive forces to "thrive".

Enterprises are the main body of the market, the main body of innovation, and the new force to promote the development of new quality productivity. Ma Anshan is well aware of this. It is necessary to make enterprises willing to carry out technological transformation and take the initiative to transform, constantly improve the level of transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and promote the development of new quality productivity with the "excellence" of business environment.

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of enterprises for scientific and technological innovation, Ma Anshan made an effort to solve the problem of difficult and expensive use of enterprise scientific research instruments, accelerate the release of enterprise innovation potential, and promote the healthy growth of technology-based SMEs. A small coupon has sent many enterprises "real gold and silver" for their transformation and development. In 2023, there will be 88 enterprises in Ma'anshan applying for the subsidy amount of innovation coupons, 77 of which have passed the review, providing 23.1 million yuan for enterprises to apply for the use amount of innovation coupons.

How to enhance the attractiveness of innovative talents? Maanshan started with innovating the evaluation mechanism for special skilled talents, "let the enterprise decide what kind of talents are", 1829 "black glove employees" (skilled talents who have special skills and unique skills in the production line, but have not yet obtained the skill certificate) broke the rule and obtained the vocational skill grade certificate above senior engineer. After the enterprise obtained the right of independent recognition, it can, according to the needs of skilled personnel training, Effectively carry out the identification work, the enterprise will benefit and the employees will be more satisfied.

In addition, Ma'anshan also took "Heroes on average per mu" as a key move to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, carried out a pilot comprehensive reform of land conservation and intensive use, and actively promoted "machines on the stairs, cars on the roof", which has achieved remarkable results and highlights. It is reported that since the implementation of the reform, the average tax revenue per mu of industrial enterprises above designated size in Ma'anshan has increased from 125900 yuan to 235500 yuan, an increase of 87.05%; The average operating income per mu increased by 49.2% from 2.8116 million yuan to 4.1949 million yuan.

With reform and innovation as the starting point, Ma Anshan has played a series of "combination fists", such as "heroes on average per mu", the Industrial Engineering Institute, the "black glove" title, the "seven last" project, the issuance of scientific and technological innovation vouchers, and the "enterprise" response, which has activated the vitality of resource elements and promoted the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, It has created a good ecology for accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity.

(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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