Two engineering projects in Shanxi Province will receive 600 million yuan of central financial support

2024-05-22 09:54 Source: Shanxi Evening News
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Two engineering projects in Shanxi Province will receive 600 million yuan of central financial support

09:54, May 22, 2024     Source: Shanxi Evening News    

On May 21, the Department of Natural Resources of Shanxi Province reported that the Department was responsible for declaring the "Demonstration Project of Ecological Restoration of Historically Abandoned Mines in the Key Ecological Tackling Area of the Yellow River in Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province" and the "Demonstration Project of Ecological Restoration of Historically Abandoned Mines in the Key Area of the National" Three North "Project in Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province", Recently, it was successfully selected into the 2024 National Demonstration Project for Ecological Restoration of Historically Abandoned Mines in the national competitive review, and is expected to receive 600 million yuan of central financial support.

This review is to select 20 projects from 34 application projects nationwide, which will be supported by the central financial subsidy this year. After successfully applying for three national level major ecological protection and restoration projects last year and becoming the province with the largest amount of central funding, Sichuan again became one of the provinces with the largest amount of central financial subsidies for the national natural resources system this year.

Among them, the demonstration project of ecological restoration of abandoned mines left over by history in the "Jiziguan" key ecological breakthrough area of the Yellow River in Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, involves 82 townships (towns) in 8 counties of Xinzhou City, including Ningwu, Jingle, Shenchi, Wuzhai, Kelan, Hequ, Baoxian and Pianguan, with a total investment of 530 million yuan. Through the implementation of the project, 309 abandoned mine spots can be repaired and treated, and the repaired area is 1229.53 hectares, which will effectively reduce the amount of yellow mud and sand, increase the water conservation capacity and biodiversity, and realize the coordinated development of sustainable improvement of regional ecological function and steady improvement of carbon sink economic capacity.

The demonstration project of ecological restoration of abandoned mines left over by history in the key area of the National "Three North" Project in Shuozhou, Shanxi Province, involves five counties (districts) in Shuocheng District, Pinglu District, Shanyin County, Ying County and Youyu County of Shuozhou City, with a total investment of 567 million yuan. Through the implementation of the project, 771 abandoned mines can be repaired and treated, covering an area of 1555.58 hectares, which will effectively improve the regional living environment, improve the stability of regional ecological functions and carbon sink capacity, achieve the "clearing" of abandoned mines left over by history in the city, and work together to build ecological security barriers in the Yellow River basin and Haihe River basin.

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Natural Resources said that the two mine ecological restoration projects in our province were again successfully selected as national demonstration projects this year, which injected strong momentum into the comprehensive completion of the ecological restoration task of abandoned mines left over by history in our province and the "zeroing" of ecological restoration of abandoned mines left over by history in the Yellow River basin during the "14th Five Year Plan" period. In the next step, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources will place the ecological restoration of the province's historical abandoned mines in the overall situation of the Yellow River Basin for strategic planning, consolidate the achievements achieved, complete the ecological restoration of the province's historical abandoned mines in high quality, and achieve the "zero clearing" of the ecological restoration of the province's historical abandoned mines. (Reporter Xue Jianying)


(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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