In the first quarter of this year, the number of days with good air quality in Hebei Province increased by 10 on a year-on-year basis

2024-05-22 09:53 Source: Hebei News Network
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

In the first quarter of this year, the number of days with good air quality in Hebei Province increased by 10 on a year-on-year basis

09:53, May 22, 2024     Source: Hebei News Network    

On May 21, it was learned from the press conference on Hebei Province's continuous promotion of air pollution control held by the Information Office of the provincial government that in the first quarter of this year, the improvement of air quality in the province was further improved. The average comprehensive air quality index of 11 districts and cities across the province was 4.73, down 9.4% year on year; The average concentration of PM2.5 was 54 μ g/m3, down 5.3% year on year; The number of excellent days in the province was 68, an increase of 10 days on a year-on-year basis; The number of days of heavy pollution was 3 days, a year-on-year decrease of 1 day; The comprehensive air quality index of cities divided into districts continued to rank outside the "bottom ten".

The blue sky defense war is the top priority in the continuous and in-depth battle against pollution. The provincial ecological environment system regards the improvement of air quality as an important symbol of high-quality development, and strives to promote the consolidation and improvement of air quality. The Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has set up technical service teams and law enforcement assistance teams to carry out assistance and guidance in Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Xingtai, Handan and other key cities to help solve the deep-seated contradictions and prominent problems of air pollution prevention. Together with various departments around the country, we will continue to carry out four key actions, namely, the elimination of heavily polluted weather, the prevention and control of ozone pollution, the treatment of diesel truck pollution, and the in-depth treatment of urban air pollution. At the same time, we will establish an early warning mechanism and carry out provincial ecological environmental protection supervision in key regions and areas.

Adhere to classified governance and strengthen coordinated emission reduction. In accordance with the general idea of "managing to tap the potential and finding a way out of structural emission reduction", our province adheres to the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, actively promotes structural optimization and adjustment, deepens the in-depth governance of industrial sources, strengthens the scientific control of mobile sources, pays close attention to the precise tackling of dust sources, and strives to continuously reduce the intensity of pollution emissions.

Adhere to precise policy implementation and strengthen the achievements of "ten backward". Hebei Province adheres to the "policy based on the city", coordinates urban pollution characteristics, environmental capacity, transmission impact and other factors, strengthens scientific research, judgment and collaborative response, refines goals and tasks every day, constantly improves the ability of accurate prediction and forecasting, implements precise prevention and control by time division and time difference, strictly governs and supervises according to law, and comprehensively improves the level of refined pollution management. Relying on the digital intelligence environmental protection comprehensive management platform, we will improve the provincial, municipal and county level ecological environment command system, improve the closed-loop work of real-time problem detection, rapid release of instructions, immediate disposal at the end, and timely feedback on rectification, and effectively eliminate prominent problems such as excessive emissions, high value hot spots, and open burning in the bud.


(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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