Xinjiang: Continuously improve the gold, green and intelligent content of manufacturing industry

2024-05-22 09:15 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Xinjiang: Continuously improve the gold, green and intelligent content of manufacturing industry

09:15, May 22, 2024     Source: Science and Technology Daily    

"We are accelerating the construction of a new power system, increasing the storage and production of oil and gas, clean and efficient utilization of coal, and exploration, development and utilization of mineral resources, and actively building a national energy resources strategic guarantee base to provide important energy resources support for promoting Chinese style modernization." On the 21st, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Elkem Tunyazi, President of the Autonomous Region, made a presentation at the press conference themed "Promoting high-quality development" held by the State Council Information Office.

Elkem Tunyazi said that Xinjiang will consolidate and upgrade its advantageous industries and do a good job in the big article of "oil, gas and coal". Tarim Oilfield has drilled the first ten thousand meter straight well in Asia, and the world's first direct liquefaction coal to oil project has been launched in Hami City. The "oil field built on coal fields" is gradually being realized... Xinjiang will accelerate the increase of oil and gas reserves and production, release advanced and high-quality coal production capacity, and continue to extend the production chain downward, so that every piece of coal, every drop of oil, and every party of gas can play the maximum role.

Elkem Tunyazi said: "In recent years, we have comprehensively laid out the landscape industry chain. In 2023, solar and wind power generation will respectively account for 4.6% and 7.3% of the country's total, and the scale of new energy grid connection will be the second in the country. The vast Gobi has become a" treasure land "for new energy and other industries." He said, Xinjiang will accelerate the construction of clean energy bases such as wind power and photovoltaic, continue to promote the large-scale and intensive development of silicon based, aluminum based and other new material industries, vigorously build new power systems, and realize the coordinated development of photovoltaic "blue", desert "yellow", and ecological "green".

Elkem Tunyazi said that Xinjiang will transform and upgrade traditional industries to stimulate new green and low-carbon drivers. In 2023, the Xinjiang Industrial Green Development Conference was held, at which the "One Hundred Major Low Carbon Technologies in the Industrial Field of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region" was released. With the continuous promotion of green production in the manufacturing industry, the traditional image of Xinjiang's industrial structure as "black and thick" is accelerating its transformation, and the problem of traditional industrial structure being biased is being continuously optimized. In terms of accelerating the digital and intelligent transformation, Xinjiang strongly supports enterprises to introduce new technologies and models, promote equipment upgrading and process upgrading, and constantly improve the "gold content", "green content" and "smart content" of the manufacturing industry.

Elkem Tunyazi said that the new round of national prospecting breakthrough strategic action has designated 120 key prospecting areas in Xinjiang, ranking first in the country. Xinjiang will spare no effort to promote the exploration, development and utilization of important mineral resources, go deep into "prospecting and treasure hunting", and strive to "turn stone into gold", so as to make contributions to ensuring the safety of China's energy resources and important industrial chain supply chain.

(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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