Shanghai: 4 first stores in "Shanghai" every day

2024-05-22 08:44 Source: Xinhuanet
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Shanghai: 4 first stores in "Shanghai" every day

08:44, May 22, 2024     Source: Xinhuanet    

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, May 21 (Reporter Zhou Rui) The reporter learned from the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce that from January to April this year, 489 new first stores of all kinds were set up in Shanghai, and the scale and quality reached a new historical high. On average, four first stores are located in "Shanghai" every day, which makes Shanghai continue to be a cluster highland of domestic and foreign brands' debut, debut, exhibition and first store.

In order to further attract more international brands to open their first stores, launch new products, hold their first shows, and hold their first exhibitions in Shanghai, Shanghai recently launched the "Several Measures to Further Promote the High Quality Development of the First Launch Economy", which clearly defined that the "First Launch Shanghai" brand will be launched, and the first launch season activity of "First Launch Shanghai · FIRST in Shanghai" new products will be created in March and May every year, And promote it to the world.

This policy not only supports leading domestic and foreign brands to open their first high-energy stores in Shanghai with "real gold and silver", but also clearly encourages more high-quality and high-volume domestic and foreign brands to hold their first launches, first shows and first exhibitions in Shanghai, and evaluates the event organizers' venue rental A subsidy of up to 1 million yuan will be given for the construction of the exhibition hall, publicity and promotion according to 30% of the actual investment.

At the same time, we will build the first professional economic service ecosystem, accelerate the gathering of the first high-energy professional service institutions in the economic field, support professional institutions to carry out the country's pioneering construction of evaluation index system, global communication and promotion, industry summit forum, etc., and give financial support of up to 1 million yuan to relevant projects organized by professional institutions according to 30% of the actual investment.

In addition, Shanghai also made it clear that it would provide customs clearance facilities for the first launch of imported new products, establish an "enterprise service package" for customs clearance facilities of imported goods involving the first launch, first show, first exhibition and first store, and expand the development of bonded display trade formats of goods.

(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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