Chongqing issued "six rules for housing" to support rigid and improved housing demand

2024-05-21 09:14 Source: CCTV
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(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

Chongqing issued "six rules for housing" to support rigid and improved housing demand

09:14, May 21, 2024     Source: CCTV    

Source Title: Chongqing Releases "Six Policies for Housing" to Support Rigid and Improved Housing Demand

On May 20, the Chongqing Leading Group Office for Promoting the Steady and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market issued the Notice on Supporting Rigid and Improved Housing Purchase Demand, which mainly includes six policies, including implementing housing purchase subsidies, increasing provident fund support, and adjusting the existing housing re transaction management policy, to better meet the rigid and improved housing demand of residents.

The first policy is to implement housing subsidies for families with more children. From now on to December 31, 2024, for families who have two or three children and have at least one minor child in line with the national fertility policy, purchase new commercial housing in the central city of Chongqing and complete the online contract filing, the district government (management committee) where the housing is located will give subsidies of 20000 yuan to families with two children and 30000 yuan to families with three children. The housing purchase subsidy is issued in the form of currency or consumption voucher at one time, and each family can only enjoy it once.

The second policy is to give subsidies for "replacement and purchase". From now on to December 31, 2024, the government (management committee) of the district where the house is located will give a subsidy of 0.5% of the total purchase price of newly purchased commercial housing to those who purchase new commercial housing in the central urban area of Chongqing through the "replacement purchase" activity and complete the online contract filing. The housing purchase subsidy shall be paid in the form of currency or consumption voucher in a lump sum. If the subsidy meets the conditions at the same time as the "housing subsidy for families with more children" in Article 1, it shall be subject to the higher subsidy amount.

The third policy is to implement housing subsidies for talents. From now on to December 31, 2024, the government (management committee) of the district where the house is located will give subsidies to those who purchase new commercial housing in the central city of Chongqing for the first time and complete the online contract filing. The housing purchase subsidy will be paid in monetary form in a lump sum, and the payment standard will be 50000 yuan, 30000 yuan and 10000 yuan respectively for doctoral students, master graduates and undergraduate graduates. The subsidy is based on the family and cannot be enjoyed by both husband and wife at the same time.

Policy 4: further optimize the identification of housing units. Residents in the central urban area of Chongqing who use their own stock of housing as rental housing and obtain the lease contract filing certificate may not be included in the calculation of family housing units; In principle, only one set will be reduced for each family.

The fifth policy is to further support flexible employment personnel to pay and use housing provident fund. Further increase the support for flexible employment personnel to solve their own housing needs, and optimize Chongqing flexible employment personnel to pay and use housing provident fund products. For monthly deposits, the minimum number of deposit periods is reduced from 24 months to 12 months; For one-time deposit, the minimum retention period of the deposited funds is reduced from 24 months to 12 months.

The sixth policy is to adjust the management policy of existing house re trading. Newly built commercial housing for sale of existing housing can be listed for trading after completing the online contract filing and obtaining the real estate certificate.

(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

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