Take the escalator "going left and standing right"? No longer advocated in many places

2024-05-21 09:21 Source: Yangzi Evening News
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Take the escalator "going left and standing right"? No longer advocated in many places

09:21, May 21, 2024     Source: Yangzi Evening News    

In May this year, a netizen left a message to Chengdu Metro: the escalator was suggested to promote "left walking and right standing" during rush hour, but Chengdu Metro replied that it did not advocate it. Why not advocate the "left walking and right standing" once regarded as a symbol of civilization? The reporter from Yangtze Evening News interviewed experts from Jiangsu Provincial Special Inspection Institute.

Take the escalator to stand on the right and give up the left to the people who need to pass, which is commonly known as "left walking and right standing". This was once regarded as a symbol of civilization, but also a convenient performance. Why is it not advocated now?

Zhang Xindong, director of the Electromechanical Technology Center of Jiangsu Provincial Special Inspection Institute, said that there are two hidden risks in "going left and standing right": long-term load bearing on one side will accelerate the wear of the chain, and even lead to the tilt of the escalator. In addition, the step height of the escalator is not suitable for walking. According to the standard, the design height of the stairs in public places is 13 cm to 18 cm, while the height of the steps of the escalators is 21 cm to 24 cm. Not only is the height obviously higher than that of ordinary stairs, which is not suitable for walking, but also it is still in a fast running state. Once the person who walks falls down carelessly, it is very easy to lead to the stampede event when there is a large flow of people in the peak period.

With the arrival of summer, the number of people wearing "hole shoes" and long skirts is also increasing. Pay special attention when taking the escalator to prevent being "bitten". In the past news reports, someone's "hole shoes" were even "bitten" off 1/3, which seemed very frightening. Zhang Xindong said that the materials of "hole shoes" are generally soft. When they contact with the gap between the steps of the escalator, or the gap between the steps and the apron, there will be greater friction, and they are very easy to be involved in the gap of the escalator.

In addition, if you wear a long skirt to go up and down the escalator, you should also pay special attention to the skirt hem to avoid being caught by the escalator gap.

In our life, we will see some passengers taking escalators with strollers, but we don't know that this is also a very dangerous behavior. During the operation of the escalator, the stroller is usually located on different steps. Once the balance cannot be maintained, it is very easy to cause the baby in the car to fall off.

What if an accident occurs while taking the escalator? Call for help loudly and ask others to press the emergency stop button. There is a red emergency stop button on the upper and lower parts of each escalator and in the middle of large elevators. In case of danger or accident, press the emergency stop button as soon as possible to stop the escalator. (Yangzi Evening News)

(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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