Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone Explores a New Model of "Enclave Economy"

2024-05-21 09:15 Source: Economic Information Daily
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone Explores a New Model of "Enclave Economy"

09:15, May 21, 2024     Source: Economic Information Daily     Li Xiaoling

Shenzhen has a land area of less than 2000 square kilometers, which is only 1/4 of Guangzhou, 1/3 of Shanghai and 1/8 of Beijing among the four first tier cities. At the same time, about half of Shenzhen's land is within the ecological control line. In the past decade, the population has increased by more than 7 million. The city's incremental land available for various types of construction is scarce.

Shenzhen, which is deeply constrained by the land bottleneck, tries to expand the use of land for industrial development and improve the efficiency of land use. The Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone is born of cooperation and prospers because of "particularity". As the first special cooperation zone in China that is fully led by "fly out", Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone vigorously promotes the spirit of the special zone, gives full play to the advantages of the system and mechanism, adheres to the integrated development of integration of finance, Gulf and Shenzhen, and is carrying out a "special zone leading the old areas" with the goal of "creating a bearing place for industrial transfer, a destination for new introduction of major industrial projects, and a high-quality development incubator in eastern Guangdong" The exploration and practice of the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and regions by "getting rich before getting rich". The innovation of Shenzhen and Shantou has not only effectively alleviated the development space problem of Shenzhen, but also leaped to a new strategic growth pole for Shenzhen metropolitan area and provided new reform experience for the national "enclave economy".

Mini Shenzhen

60 kilometers away from Pingshan District, Shenzhen, there is such a place that has no regional connection with Shenzhen. In terms of urban planning, business environment, infrastructure and public services, it has basically achieved "the same quality and efficiency in the same city" with Shenzhen, just like a mini Shenzhen. Here is a "special" existence outside Shenzhen District 10: Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone.

Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone is located in the easternmost part of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. It governs four towns, namely Ebu, Xiaomo, Chishi and Youmen, with a land area of 460.41 square kilometers, equivalent to 1/4 of the main urban area of Shenzhen; The coastline is 69.8 kilometers long, with a deep-water harbor Xiaomo International Logistics Port; There is the beauty of Lianhua Mountain in the north, the grandeur of Shenshan Bay in the south, and the winding Chishi River runs through the border into the sea. It is home to mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, grass, wetlands, hot springs and other all element tourism resources.

Driving in the mountains of Shenzhen and Shantou, the spacious and new Tonggang Avenue connects the production of new energy automobile parts, vehicle manufacturing, vehicle export and other chain links. Stamping, welding, painting, final assembly... When entering the second phase plant of Shenzhen Shantou BYD Automobile Industrial Park, the mechanical arm is busy and orderly all the time, working procedures flow one by one, and new energy vehicles drive off the production line, and the large-scale industrialization scene of modern intelligent manufacturing industry can be seen everywhere. In Xiaomo International Logistics Port Area, thousands of new energy vehicles gathered in order to go to sea. The blueprint of the new energy vehicle industry cluster has begun to appear in Shenzhen and Shantou. Up to now, the export volume of roll on/roll off vehicles of Xiaomo International Logistics Port has exceeded 35000, with a very strong growth momentum.

Wang Yankui, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, told the reporter that this plant in BYD's vehicle production base was still a barren mountain and small village two years ago, and the whole project only took 379 days from commencement to trial operation. In recent years, Shenzhen and Shantou have made every effort to tackle the problem of land preparation, carrying out major projects with a continuous area of square kilometers of high-quality industrial land, accumulating 39.4 square kilometers of land and completing 12.2 square kilometers of land supply, which has become a strong support for Shenzhen's development of large industries.

Shenzhen is China's "first industrial city", and also the first city in the annual output of new energy vehicles in China. Anchor breakthroughs in the pillar industry of new energy vehicles. In recent years, Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has built new quality productivity with new industrialization, focused on building a modern industrial system dominated by new energy vehicle industry, supplemented by new energy storage, new materials, and intelligent manufacturing robot industries, and introduced BYD and more than 20 new energy vehicle industry chain enterprises, Out of the "world-class automobile manufacturing city" of Shenzhen Shantou "acceleration".

Walking among the green mountains and green waters in Shenshan, the buildings were built and the industrial parks were settled one after another. It can be seen that there are hundreds of tower cranes on the construction site, and the builders are chasing each other in high spirits. Villager communities are scattered in order. Shenzhen High School High School Park, the largest high school park in Shenzhen, was put into use in September this year. Wang Yankui believes that the rapid development of the industry can not be separated from the complementary improvement of infrastructure, public services, ecological environment and the integration of industry and city.

Gather production with cars, revitalize the city with industry, lead the countryside with cities, feed agriculture with industry, and integrate industry with urban and rural areas. The Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has comprehensively promoted the coordinated development of economy, society, resources and environment: it has established market mechanisms for industries, capital, technology, talents, credit, etc. that are deeply integrated with the main urban area of Shenzhen; The design and budget estimate of Shenzhen Shantou hub has been approved, and the 30 minute life circle in Shenzhen and 40 minute life circle in Guangzhou is just around the corner; Introduce high-quality education, medical care, housing security and other resources in Shenzhen, so that Shenzhen Shantou residents can enjoy basic public services of the same quality as Shenzhen at home; The first local tertiary hospital, Peking University Shenshan Hospital, is expected to be completed and put into use by the end of 2025; It is planned to build 17 affordable housing projects, and 9 projects have been completed so far. The construction of the "Double 60" housing security system has been accelerated.

The Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has not only the urban prosperity, but also the quiet pastoral scenery. Shenzhen and Shantou are striving to build a demonstration area for regional cooperation and development, an independent innovation and expansion area, and a radiation node area in the Greater Bay Area, so as to enhance the radiation and driving role in eastern Guangdong. The beach of Yuhaiwan Bay stretches. Tourists can either walk on the waves or ride horses. The coastal leisure area is unforgettable. Luyue Island is particularly quiet. The former sand and stone field turns into Wanghonglu camp, and cultural and tourism vitality is beginning to show.

36 nodes, including Chengluyue Island, have been built in the "Splendor" urban and rural demonstration belt of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, completing the regional construction task of Meilixu Town and realizing the full coverage of public transportation lines in administrative villages. Da'an Village has been selected as the construction pilot of "National Red and Beautiful Village", and Hongluo She Village and Bai'an Village have been selected as the national model village for rural governance. Ten high-quality development projects of modern agriculture have been built, and six new village enterprise cooperation industrial projects have been signed. With the use of the reserved land project, the first village with collective income of 10 million yuan was also born in the local area; The collective income of villagers' groups such as Xintiankeng and Dayunpo of Yunxin Village Committee in Xiaomo Town can increase by nearly 6 million yuan every year.

Exploring the "Shenzhen Shantou Model" of high-quality development of enclave economy

The reporter learned that since 2018, the GDP of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has increased by 26% annually, and the fixed asset investment has increased by 40% annually, showing a trend of accelerating development, upgrading development and leapfrog development. As an important fulcrum for Shenzhen to build a "new generation world-class automobile city", Shenzhen Shantou automobile manufacturing industry is accelerating its iterative development.

The four towns under the jurisdiction of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone are the famous old revolutionary base areas of Hailufeng, where China's first Soviet regime was born, and also the important birthplace of the large-scale peasant movement led by the Party. In just a few years, Shenzhen and Shantou have rapidly grown from an old revolutionary base area to a high-end manufacturing base for new industrialization, realizing a leap forward development. Reporters will investigate on the spot.

Wang Yankui told reporters that Shenzhen has creatively practiced the regional coordinated development mechanism of "special+cooperation", the urban-rural integration development path of "rural+urban", and the grass-roots governance effectiveness experience of "special zones+old areas" by exploring the combination of promising government and effective markets to promote the development of "enclave economy", and has initially formed the Shenzhen Shantou model of high-quality development of "enclave economy".

First of all, Shenzhen has incorporated the Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone into the overall planning of the city. Different from the simple gradient industrial transfer mode of "enclave economy" in the past, Shenzhen City has fully taken Shenzhen and Shantou as a functional area of Shenzhen for integrated planning, design and industrial layout. Shenzhen and Shantou have fully participated in the industrial system of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, where strategic emerging industries are laid out in the industrial chain, creating a highland for iterative upgrading of new quality productivity.

Under this clear positioning and planning, the Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone will accelerate the construction of policy systems and market mechanisms for industries, capital, technology, talents, and credit that are deeply integrated with the main urban area of Shenzhen, promote the extension of Shenzhen's governance system and capacity in Shenzhen and Shantou, promote the construction in accordance with Shenzhen's economic function zone, and create a business environment of "same quality and same effect in the same city" with Shenzhen, Enable high-quality development in Shenzhen and Shantou; Actively apply Shenzhen's talent policy, retain outstanding talents and share the dividends of urban development; Gradually apply Shenzhen's public service policy, accelerate the improvement of public service level in underdeveloped areas, and significantly enhance the confidence of enterprises, society and people.

After anchoring this center, the Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, centering on the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, adheres to the leadership of the manufacturing industry, actively expands land space, implements the "five major improvement actions" of large industries, large platforms, large projects, large enterprises and large environments, and accelerates the formation of a modern industrial system that meets the requirements of high-quality development. Through continuous focus, Shenzhen Shantou has made a layout of large projects to consolidate large industries and drive large development with large industries. The "one main industry and three auxiliary" industrial development layout has taken shape. Up to now, Shenzhen and Shantou have introduced industrial projects with a planned investment of nearly 100 billion yuan, and the expected annual output value will exceed 300 billion yuan after all the projects are put into operation.

According to the plan, by 2025, Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone will initially build a world-class new energy vehicle manufacturing city with extensive influence, and build a high-end vehicle manufacturing innovation center, a green manufacturing center for parts, a demonstration center for cutting-edge technology application, and an international automobile trade hub. Focusing on BYD, the main enterprise of the chain, Shenzhen Shantou has built a modern industrial system of "intelligent manufacturing automobile city+export base" in the whole industrial chain of electrification battery energy storage new materials intelligent equipment. Key leading enterprises such as Lijing Technology, Dongfeng Lear, Jingxi Heavy Industry, Faurecia have successively settled in Shenzhen Shantou, and the number of business entities has grown rapidly, with more than 10000 registered.

In terms of planning and construction, the Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone also highlights the development orientation of revitalizing the city with industry and integrating industry with the city. It focuses on resources to plan and build Shenzhen Shantou Smart City and Shenzhen Shantou Bay Robot Cluster. Through the continuous introduction of industrial projects and the continuous improvement of urban functions, it attracts talents, technology, capital and other elements to gather in Shenzhen and Shantou. The system of integrated development of industry and urban and rural areas has been improved, The modern industrial new town has begun to take shape, and the "enclave economy" is showing a booming development trend.

Since the adjustment and operation of the system and mechanism of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone in 2017, Shenzhen has explored a new model of "enclave economy" that integrates ecological priority, urban and rural integration, and people's livelihood investment, avoiding detours and achieving high-quality development. By the end of 2023, Shenzhen has introduced 3 10 billion level industrial projects, 48 infrastructure projects and 13 major livelihood projects through direct investment or financial support, which has strongly supported the sustained and rapid economic growth of Shenzhen and Shantou.

Escort the "enclave" to take off with legal force

Enclave economy refers to the cooperative development mode in which the two administrative regions break through the institutional and institutional constraints, adopt cross regional administrative management and economic development, and finally realize the complementarity of resources and mutual benefit between the two regions. In the new century, as a new space reconstruction strategy, all regions have launched different forms of beneficial exploration of enclave economy. According to the data, by 2022, China has more than 20000 industrial parks of various types, including 1200 enclave economic parks, which effectively promotes the development of regional economic integration and regional coordinated development.

The development of enclave economy is conducive to breaking the constraints of land, human resources and other conditions, better allocating resources, achieving balanced development of "flying out" and "flying in", and achieving mutual benefit and win-win results. However, at the practical level, with regard to the division of power and responsibility for enclave management, governments and enterprises are faced with complex issues such as taxation, GDP statistics, and performance assessment. If these problems cannot be properly solved, it will inevitably affect the development of enclave economy.

The establishment of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone is a policy exploration for Guangdong Province to implement the national regional coordinated development strategy and the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. In order to solve the problem of unbalanced regional development, Guangdong Province has begun to explore the process of cooperation between Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and Shanwei Old Revolutionary Base Area since 2008. The Shenzhen Shantou enclave model has also experienced three stages of development, from the industrial transfer park led by Shanwei to Shenzhen, from the joint management of Shanwei to the comprehensive economic functional zone led by Shenzhen.

In order to prevent the problem of "acclimatization", in December 2018, the Party Working Committee and Management Committee of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone were inaugurated, starting a new stage in which Shenzhen comprehensively dominates the economic and social affairs of the cooperation zone and promotes the construction according to the structure of the economic functional zone. In August 2019, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Opinions on Supporting Shenzhen to Build an Advanced Demonstration Zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, explicitly requiring Shenzhen to "innovate, improve, explore and promote the management system and mechanism of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone".

Wu Qubo, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, told the reporter that Guangdong Province authorized Shenzhen to comprehensively lead the economic and social affairs of Shenzhen and Shantou, and the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone fully assumed the main responsibility. The regional GDP was unified in Shenzhen, which better solved the problem of insufficient development momentum of Shenzhen and Shantou, and laid a solid institutional foundation for the expansion and strengthening of the enclave economy.

At the operational level, "fly out" Shenzhen is responsible for both responsibility and input, comprehensively leading Shenzhen Shantou work, and solving the problem of separating Shenzhen Shantou economic management from social affairs, and managing people from managing affairs. As the representative offices of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Shenzhen Municipal Government, the Party Working Committee and the Administrative Committee of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone have always adhered to and strengthened the overall leadership of the Party, implemented joint office work, innovated "large department system" institutions according to the flat model, streamlined the establishment of district level organs and local organs such as courts, procuratorates, and public security bureaus, and explored the construction of "fly out" leading management The management system and mechanism for the economic and efficient development of enclaves with unified responsibilities and rights.

The Regulations on Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone in Guangdong Province, which was officially implemented in November 2023, is the first local regulation in China to regulate the coordinated development of regions comprehensively led by "fly out", further clarifies the development orientation of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, and solves problems such as unclear legal subject, insufficient authorization, and inadequate implementation, Legislation has provided legal guarantee for the high-quality development of enclave economy, fundamentally solved the obstacles faced by Shenzhen Shantou's long-term development, escorted the "enclave" to take off with the power of the rule of law, and provided a powerful driver for the rapid development of the "enclave economy".

Professor Zhu Suixin, director of the Regional Integration Rule of Law Research Center of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, and director of the Guangdong Provincial Local Legislation Research Evaluation and Consulting Service Base, believes that the "regulations" face the biggest weakness of uncoordinated urban and rural regional development, and that in the legislative principles, cooperation systems, development planning, industrial development, urban and rural construction, social governance A series of institutional arrangements have been made in terms of development guarantee, which not only legalized the organizational system of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, but also provided a strong legal guarantee for the demonstration of regional coordinated development.

In fact, to promote regional coordinated development, the key lies in "coordination", and the root lies in "development". The rapid rise of the Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has driven Shanwei City to accelerate the planning and construction of the Shenzhen Shantou Cooperation and Development Zone. The two sides actively explore a joint investment attraction mechanism, focusing on the cultivation of new energy automobile supporting industries; It has strengthened the industrial collaboration with the thousand mu industrial park in Jilong Town, Huidong County, provided 1328 mu of "clean land" for major manufacturing projects, and opened a new pattern of collaborative development with surrounding areas. It can be said that under the overall leadership of Shenzhen, Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has made positive exploration and achieved remarkable results in promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, new urbanization and new industrialization, and has also provided a leading demonstration sample for China to explore new models of enclave economy.

(The pictures in this page are provided by the Financial Media Center of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone)

(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Wonderful pictures