How to promote the digital transformation of the whole city

2024-05-21 09:05 Source: CCTV News Client
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

How to promote the digital transformation of the whole city

09:05, May 21, 2024     Source: CCTV News Client    

Yesterday (20 days), the National Data Bureau held a special press conference to introduce the Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Development of Smart Cities and Promoting the City wide Digital Transformation. Relevant leaders said that they would promote the city wide digital transformation in all fields, in all directions and in all processes.

The relevant person in charge of the National Data Administration said that the key to promoting the city wide digital transformation is to do a good job in three aspects.

The first is to promote urban digital transformation in the "whole" field. In key areas such as urban economic industry, industry city integration, urban governance, public services, livable environment, resilience and safety, a number of applications that are felt by society, enterprises and the masses have been formed to improve the quality and efficiency of digital transformation.

The second is to strengthen the support for urban digital transformation in an "all-round" way. Promote the digital transformation and intelligent operation of public facilities; Accelerate the construction of data element enabling system, vigorously promote data governance and open development, and consolidate the foundation of digital transformation.

The third is to optimize the urban digital transformation ecology in the "whole" process. We need to accelerate the innovation of digital systems, continue to innovate the operation and maintenance mode of smart cities, and promote digital collaborative development in a wider scope and at a deeper level.

Wu Xiaoning, Director of the Digital Economy Department of the National Bureau of Data, said that by 2027, the nationwide digital transformation of cities will have achieved remarkable results, forming a group of livable, resilient and smart cities with different characteristics.

Pushing forward city wide digital transformation to support the construction of digital China

Relevant officials said that the Guiding Opinions proposed that cities are comprehensive carriers to promote the construction of digital China, and the next step will support the construction of digital China from three aspects.

The relevant person in charge of the National Data Administration said that the Guiding Opinions fully implemented the "2522" framework requirements and task layout of digital China construction. Coordinate and promote the coordinated development of digital economy, digital government, digital society, digital ecology and digital culture, and comprehensively improve the integrity, systematicness and sustainability of urban digital development.

At the same time, the Guiding Opinions proposes to use data integration, development and utilization throughout the whole urban digital transformation construction to support the development of new quality productivity and form new competitive advantages.

Chen Ronghui, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the National Data Administration, said that the Guiding Opinions reflected the promotion principle of "scene traction and people orientation". A batch of tangible digital application achievements will be formed to promote the implementation of digital China, make the production and life of all urban residents more convenient, comfortable and safe, and make urban governance more intelligent, efficient and accurate.

Explore the central and local cooperation to promote digital reform and institutional innovation

The relevant responsible person said that the Guiding Opinions put forward the digital reform for the first time, and the next step will be to explore the central and local cooperation to promote digital reform and institutional innovation, and if conditions permit, it will be transformed into national policies and systems.

The relevant person in charge of the National Data Administration said that the digital adaptation reform is to remove the institutional barriers and blockages that hinder the development of urban digital transformation, take the initiative to reform and reshape the institutional mechanisms, organizational structures, methods, processes, means and tools that are not suitable for urban digital transformation, and promote cross domain and cross departmental business process reengineering, rule restructuring, and institutional innovation.

The Guiding Opinions focuses on the innovative design of institutional norms, policies, regulations and standards for urban digital transformation, proposes to carry out the appropriate reform of management service means, management service models and management service concepts, establish and improve relevant institutional norms, and improve the rules, regulations and operation process system.

Lu Dongsen, Deputy Director of the Digital Economy Department of the National Data Bureau, said: Next, we will strengthen the combination of top-level design and grass-roots innovation, explore the central and local cooperation to promote digital reform and institutional innovation, play a local pioneering role, and timely summarize, copy and promote successful experience. If conditions permit, we will also transform into national policies and systems.

Explore the establishment of results oriented operating budget and assessment mechanism

The relevant person in charge said that he would explore the establishment of a result oriented operating budget and assessment mechanism to solve the problem of "focusing on construction and ignoring operation" of smart cities.

In view of the lack of sustainability and other deficiencies in operation and maintenance, the Guiding Opinions put forward the work direction of innovative operation and maintenance mode from three aspects:

First, in terms of operation system, we should accelerate the establishment of a three-dimensional operation system of data operation, facility operation and service operation.

Secondly, in terms of operation mechanism, it is necessary to create a diversified ecosystem. Explore a new mechanism of government enterprise partnership, and promote the government, enterprises, scientific research think tanks and financial institutions to establish a city digital operation ecosystem.

In addition, in terms of operation and maintenance mode, it is necessary to promote the formation of a unified and standardized operation and maintenance system. Accelerate the formation of an integrated and standardized smart city operation and maintenance system in terms of system requirements, management processes, technical standards, etc.

Lu Dongsen, Deputy Director of the Department of Digital Economy of the National Data Bureau: from the perspective of system, we should explore the establishment of a result oriented operating budget and assessment mechanism, systematically plan the key operations, ensure integrated planning and professional construction, and achieve people's satisfaction. (Song Wanhuang Baochi, a reporter from CCTV)


(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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