Ningxia: a pilot area for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin

2024-05-21 08:49 Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph
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(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

Ningxia: a pilot area for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin

08:49, May 21, 2024     Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph    

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 20 (Reporter Zhao Wenjun, Xu Jinyu) "General Secretary Xi Jinping has determined the development orientation of" striving to build a pilot area for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin "for Ningxia, and has defined the development goal of building a beautiful new Ningxia, which is not only encouragement and encouragement, but also mission responsibility." Zhang Yupu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and President of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, said at a series of news conferences themed "Promoting high-quality development" held by the State Council Information Office on the 20th.

Zhang Yupu introduced that Ningxia is a province with two regional strategies of "double coverage", namely, the national western development, the ecological protection of the Yellow River basin and high-quality development. In recent years, it has achieved the quality of economic development, national unity and common direction, environmental protection and ecological priority, and people's livelihood security.

According to statistics, Ningxia's GDP grew by 5.8% in the first quarter of this year, ranking among the top 10 in China for eight consecutive quarters. In particular, the growth rate of industrial added value and gross agricultural output value above designated size ranked first and third in China respectively.

Zhang Yupu said that he would strive to reach the national average level of farmers' income in the whole region, especially the income of the poverty alleviation population, within three years, and the urbanization rate would reach 70%, exceeding the national average level. At the same time, efforts should be made to promote the coordinated development of mountains and rivers in urban and rural areas of Ningxia, and write a "trilogy" of poverty alleviation, rural revitalization and common prosperity in Ningxia.

"One bottle of every two bottles of domestic winery wine is produced in Ningxia, and one jin of every four jin of Chinese wolfberry is from Ningxia." Zhang Yupu introduced that Ningxia has developed six distinctive advantageous industries of wine, Chinese wolfberry, milk, beef cattle, Tan sheep and vegetables based on its unique resource endowment.

Zhang Yupu introduced that Ningxia's leading industry has developed rapidly and has sufficient stamina. In the construction of modern coal chemical industry, the total production capacity has reached 30 million tons, of which coal to liquids has exceeded 4 million tons for three consecutive years, ranking first in China. At the same time, the level of industrial intelligence, greening and integration has been significantly improved, laying an important foundation for the development of new quality productivity.

"Always regard water resources as the core resources and key elements of Ningxia's development." Zhang Yupu introduced that by the end of 2023, all prefecture level cities in Ningxia will meet the national standards for water-saving cities; The water consumption per 10000 yuan of GDP and per 10000 yuan of industrial added value has reached the goals of the 14th Five Year Plan ahead of schedule.

Zhang Yupu introduced that Ningxia has a complete system of "mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand", which is called "miniature bonsai of Chinese tourism". Since this year, Ningxia has comprehensively implemented the "cultural tourism innovation and upgrading project" around the "six elements" of food, housing, travel, shopping and entertainment, and promoted the high-quality development of tourism.

Zhang Yupu said that he would adhere to the construction of a pilot area for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin, strengthen the construction of a national new energy comprehensive demonstration area, a modern coal chemical industry demonstration area and a pilot area for green agricultural development, focus on building the "World Wine City" and "China's Capital of Computing Power", and accelerate the development of new quality productivity, Strive to lay a better foundation for the comprehensive construction of a beautiful new Ningxia, and make Ningxia contributions to the writing of a new chapter of the Western Development.


(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

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