Guangzhou: Developers push sales promotion overnight to compete for customers

2024-05-20 08:53 Source: China Securities Journal
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(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

Guangzhou: Developers push sales promotion overnight to compete for customers

08:53, May 20, 2024     Source: China Securities Journal     ● Our reporter Wu Weihong

● Our reporter Wu Weihong


A few days ago, a reporter from China Securities News visited several real estates in Guangzhou and learned that after the release of this blockbuster policy, Guangzhou developers actively promoted sales, and many projects released the latest promotional preferential policies overnight, starting the battle for customers. Industry insiders predict that with the gradual introduction and implementation of relevant policies and rules, market confidence is expected to be further boosted. At the same time, the performance of Guangzhou's real estate market will be further differentiated.

Carry out preferential promotion

At the scene of a real estate in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, the reporter saw a huge display board. It is understood that after the release of this policy, the sales department rushed to prepare the latest promotional materials overnight to introduce the highlights of relevant policies and the latest concessions in detail. According to the on-site staff, as soon as the policy was released, the project immediately announced the implementation of the latest down payment ratio and other policies, carefully selected some houses for promotion, and offered a discount of 99% on the current price level. The property fee can also be given for subscription and signing.

The reporter saw on the spot that although it rained on weekends, customers still visited the sales center and model rooms. "This wave of support policies has been very strong, and the project has also increased its sales promotion, attracting many people to watch the market, which has generated a lot of popularity." A field salesperson said that with the introduction of specific implementation rules, it is expected that market popularity will further recover.

The reporter learned from the field visit that in order to seize the policy dividend and compete for customers, the competition between the major buildings continues to heat up. Some projects have upgraded and renovated the marketing center, and some projects have introduced preferential measures such as Buy It Now listings.

Boost market confidence

A real estate intermediary told the reporter that Guangzhou had introduced many support policies before, but the buyers were in a strong wait-and-see mood. This time, the country has introduced a number of favorable policies, which greatly exceeded expectations and is expected to have a positive impact on boosting market confidence. In particular, the reduction of down payment ratio and loan interest rate is expected to stimulate some potential housing demand.

The reporter learned that in addition to the loan proportion and loan cost that people generally care about, whether the real estate can be delivered on time is still the focus of attention of buyers. Industry insiders said to reporters that after the introduction of this policy, the state has significantly increased its support for housing insurance, further reducing the risk of uncompleted housing, which is expected to stabilize and boost the confidence of buyers.

Since this year, Guangzhou has successively introduced real estate financing support policies and continuously increased the support for guaranteed housing. On February 8, Guangzhou released the first batch of financing "white list" projects, involving 47 projects in total. One month later, the second batch of financing "white list" was released, and 116 projects were selected. In the first quarter of this year, the banking institutions under the jurisdiction of the Guangdong Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau have provided about 73.7 billion yuan of credit for two batches of real estate financing "white list" projects, and 18.4 billion yuan has been issued. It is understood that, with the support of financing policies, some difficult projects have received timely financial support to ensure the smooth completion and delivery, which has played a positive role in enhancing residents' confidence in buying houses and stabilizing the real estate market.

The differentiation is obvious

In the second half of last year, Guangzhou took the lead among the first tier cities in announcing the relaxation of purchase restrictions in some regions. In January this year, Guangzhou again took the lead in liberalizing the purchase restrictions on residential buildings over 120 square meters. The reporter learned from field visits that these policies have played a positive role in promoting the steady development of the real estate market. At present, the overall performance of Guangzhou's real estate market is stable, but the market differentiation is relatively obvious.

According to the data of China Index Research Institute, in April, the price of new residential buildings in Guangzhou fell 0.06% month on month, 0.04 percentage points lower than that of last month, and 0.29% higher than that of last year. The volume of new housing market was stable and the price fell, and the market heat was significantly differentiated. The central area was affected by some high-quality buildings entering the market, showing a certain degree of activity, while the transactions in the peripheral areas were relatively weak.

In terms of second-hand housing market, in April, the turnover of Guangzhou second-hand housing market declined compared with the previous month, and the number of listings continued to rise. In terms of price, the price of second-hand residential buildings in Guangzhou fell 0.73% month on month, 0.38 percentage points higher than that of last month, and 3.50% lower than that of last year.

(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

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