"New Travelers" Going to Countryside and Small Cities Look for Poetry in Fireworks

2024-05-20 08:33 Source: China Youth Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

"New Travelers" Going to Countryside and Small Cities Look for Poetry in Fireworks

08:33, May 20, 2024     Source: China Youth Daily    

Nowadays, travel bloggers are becoming a hot profession. On the Little Red Book platform alone, there are more than 10000 travel bloggers with more than 10000 fans. Some people focus on looking for "small and beautiful" scenery in villages and county towns. Relevant data shows that # rural tourism # # beautiful countryside # # happiness of small county town # and other topics have accumulated more than 100 million views on the Little Red Book platform.

Recently, China Youth Newspaper launched the topic of "Youth Reading and Practicing Heroes" on the Little Red Book, collecting stories about bloggers, travel and reading, and releasing a city read route with full youth characteristics. Starting from the warm Baobao Youth Bookstore, you may encounter surprises in the route of Wandering Bookstore.

Among the small red book travel bloggers who participated in the topic discussion, some are not only young people "stuck" in the soil, but also creators and narrators of beautiful villages.

"I want to write prose poems full of life in the village"

Bao Hui, 27 years old, is the operator of the account of "Xiaohangkeng Ecological Base", and is a returning "New Culture Traveler" who currently lives in Xiayang Village, Anji County, Zhejiang Province. Anji County is the shooting place of the bamboo forest battle in the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and also the origin of "Anji White Tea". The beauty is beautiful, but the village is seriously aging. Although the village set up a camp a few years ago, because it did not understand the preferences and needs of young people, it did not earn much and left a lot of garbage.

Later, the village introduced public welfare projects, and Xiaohangkeng became a model place for rural revitalization of culture and tourism. Young people like Bao Hui used their brains to integrate Anji's bamboo and white tea into their tourism experience, and Xiaohangkeng gradually changed from a situation of no systematic management to a real ecological camp.

"My hometown has been seen by more people. Green water and green mountains have become golden mountains and silver mountains. The annual income of the village collective is millions of yuan," said Bao Hui. More and more young people are going home to open cafes, supermarkets, restaurants... The whole village suddenly becomes active.

For Bao Hui, it is not only a job, but also a responsibility to protect his hometown.

"Go to travel and experience in a desperate way"

Yingzi, a 33 year old classmate from Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, is seen by fans as "going up the mountain to the sea, watching the sunset and rising moon, laughing freely in the fireworks". She said she is determined to be a travel blogger who has completed "500 villages in China".

She said that she has a natural fetter with the countryside and can always find a sense of belonging and happiness in the villages.

To her great happiness, the country trip gave her a different ladder. At the other end of the ladder, there is the beauty of humanity, but also a different life. In Shache County, Xinjiang, I was warmly invited to have dinner at home because I photographed the beautiful gate of a family; On a rainy day in Songyang, Zhejiang Province, I met an old man who was staring at the raindrops alone in a daze. In a short conversation, she was lit up by her life wisdom and philosophy.

Yingzi and his friends have a courtyard in Nanchang, which is called a clover house, and a tea room. Those difficult life problems that cannot be taken care of are always solved easily in a meal, a laugh and a quarrel. Yingzi once organized a two-year book exchange activity in the yard, hoping to encourage more people with flowing books and words.

As for the future, Yingzi wants to open a bookstore and welcomes more people to sit, read and find themselves. Because the power of knowledge is powerful, it can help us truly understand, feel, heal and nourish. I hope that when I grow old, I can not only turn up a bunch of beautiful photos, but also feel happiness again when I think of those "spiritual adventures".

"Traveling with words touches the soul more than just looking at the scenery"

Speaking of his travel story, 27 year old "Li Li Shan He" said that he probably wanted to find his own value.

In the orderly days, reading became a good medicine for her. In the book, she saw Jinan written by Lao She, the Temple of Earth in Shi Tiesheng's mind, and the Ewenki nationality in Chi Zijian's book

During the years of traveling with books, she saw the scenes described in the books and met new stories. In Bingzhongluo, Yunnan, seeing that every household is "closed at night", I realized that "Peach Blossom Garden" is not a fantasy of Wuling people; Seeing the women's day on March 8, when the aunts and aunts on holiday came out to play basketball and drink wine together, she felt the simplicity and purity of contentment; Seeing the natural moat on the turbulent Nujiang River become a thoroughfare, I have more concrete perception of happy life.

Guided by books, travel adds a lot of fun and temperature - when Gaoyou eats salted duck eggs, he will think about Wang Zengqi's expression when he eats his own salted duck eggs; Walking downstairs in Chadong Ancient Town, you will wonder if Shen Congwen has also passed this section of bluestone road? When you see the ancient buildings in the book in the north of Shanxi, you will be shocked by their longevity and surprised by the wisdom and creation of their ancestors.

"Reading enriches my travel experience"

Before becoming a travel blogger, the 31 year old "A Blue Whale" was a reporter and host. A chance sharing experience made her feel the significance of sharing the journey.

As a travel blogger, she dressed in colorful clothes, found villages in books, learned the look of the tree in the movie Big Fish and Crabapple, and walked through earth buildings; Standing under the wooden tower in Yingxian County, Shanxi Province, looking at history; I ran into Xuanzang's lectern in Shache County, Xinjiang.

When she first started shooting the "Chinese travel" series, she had no idea that there would be so many places suitable for Chinese clothing. She will choose Chinese clothes according to the history of each city. If the destination does not have a special historical background, it will be paired with a low saturation horse dress and a fashionable straw hat, so that it will not be abrupt and retain cultural elements.

In addition to wearing colorful clothes to travel around rural China, "a blue whale" feels it is necessary to light up the world map. She once wore colorful clothes and felt different national cultures in Thailand and African tribes. Finally, we found that both we and they like clothes with totem and ancient patterns.

She also found that there are more and more young tourists in the villages and counties. Those places once thought to be secret have gradually become new treasure tourist destinations. People walk in the county town where there is no traffic jam, eat a bowl of cold skin at 5 yuan, and feel the enthusiasm of the local people. It seems that those pent up emotions can be quietly resolved in the smoke and fire, and they can come out again with blood.

But to really understand a place, traveling is important, and reading is also important. Travelling is more about feeling the present, while books are marked with a specific era. Through them, tourists can touch the history and culture of this place from space, making the travel experience more rich and profound.

China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Chen Qian intern Tang Ziyan Source: China Youth Daily

(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

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