Refine the "light knife"! "Little Giant" is full of arrogance with hard technology

2024-05-20 08:27 Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph
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(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

Refine the "light knife"! "Little Giant" is full of arrogance with hard technology

08:27, May 20, 2024     Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph    

It is the absolute principle to refine hard technology, deepen the field of precision machining of superhard materials, and uphold independent scientific research - reporters came to Guangdong Yuanyuan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. recently and felt that Foshan, a "little giant" enterprise, is full of toughness.

"95% of the core parts of our laser numerical control machine tools have been localized, and the remaining 5% can also be replaced by domestic ones, which can be said to completely break the foreign monopoly." Liu Zhifeng, the company's deputy general manager, could not hide his pride when introducing rows of laser numerical control machine tools with intelligent production at the origin.

As an industrial machine tool, high-end CNC machine tools are one of the key areas for China to speed up the breakthrough of "choke" technology. The parts processing technology of superhard materials is closely related to the development of 3C electronics, automobiles, semiconductors, medical machinery, aerospace and other industries. However, laser numerical control machine tools with this processing capability are mainly monopolized by foreign countries.

The original intelligent, self-developed and designed laser numerical control processing machine tool established in 2015, such as a "light knife", has broken this monopoly, can process almost any material with high precision, and its technology has reached the world's advanced level.

"We have established a set of optical control system, which is equivalent to making a 'light knife', using laser to accurately process complex parts." Zeng Chaofeng, the founder and chairman of the company, said that such original innovation has enabled origin intelligence to have a say in the field of laser micro nano processing of superhard materials.

In the first quarter of this year, the sales volume of Origin Intelligence doubled year on year, and the revenue of the past three years has increased by multiple times, with more than 30% of its products sold overseas. In just a few years, this enterprise has formed a strong market competitiveness.

In the segment market of laser numerical control machine tools, developed countries have accumulated technological advantages for decades. How can the latecomers get ahead?

Liu Zhifeng recalled that at the beginning of its establishment, Origin Intelligent relied on orders from the Japanese auto supply chain to feed itself, but for long-term consideration, the company decided to give up the development of traditional metal cutting machine tool business with good foundation and enter the high-end laser numerical control machine tool market that was still a gap from developed countries.

It is precisely by following the path of "specialization, refinement, specialty and novelty" that Origin Intelligence is making all-out efforts to tackle key technical problems of laser numerical control machine tools even during the epidemic period, and even giving up traditional business orders worth more than 60 million yuan. The persistence has paid off, and new orders have poured in these two years.

"On the track of laser machine tools, we can surpass some applications in a relatively short time, because the Chinese market is huge, there are many demands and rich scenes, and the technology iteration will be accelerated." Liu Zhifeng said that the enterprise's R&D investment will keep 20% of the sales every year, and continue to make technological breakthroughs.

In July last year, Origin Intelligence was selected as one of the fifth batch of "Little Giant" enterprises specializing in specialty and novelty, which is the youngest in Foshan and a vivid example of the vigorous development of China's specialty and novelty enterprises. Up to now, China has cultivated 124000 specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises, including 12000 specialized and new "little giant" enterprises.

Supporting the development of specialized and special new enterprises is an important deployment made at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which is conducive to accelerating the development of new quality productivity and becomes an important starting point for promoting high-quality development in all regions.

The origin intelligence, as its name suggests, starts from "zero" and grows rapidly, which cannot be separated from good development soil. Liu Xiaoqi, deputy mayor of Danzao Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, recalled: "At the very beginning, they started a business in a science and innovation incubator, and soon couldn't meet their production needs. The town helped them find factories. Now the factories can't meet their needs, and the town has provided them with land to build their own headquarters production base."

In the plant, the slogan of Origin Intelligence "Committed to becoming the first camp in the global CNC industry" is particularly striking. Outside the plant, less than 10 kilometers away, a new plant with a total investment of 500 million yuan and an area of nearly 50000 square meters is springing up.

"The 'choke' is not only a challenge but also an opportunity for our enterprises, which forces us to speed up innovation and become better and stronger," said Liu Zhifeng. (Reporter Xie Xiyao, Zhao Ziyu) Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou


(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

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