Anhui's economic aggregate has crossed three trillion steps in ten years

2024-05-17 08:50 Source: Workers' Daily
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Anhui's economic aggregate has crossed three trillion steps in ten years

08:50, May 17, 2024     Source: Workers' Daily    

Beijing, May 16 (Reporter Zhou Ziyuan) This afternoon, the State Council Information Office held a series of news conferences on the theme of "promoting high-quality development", introducing the relevant information of "taking the construction of a high-level innovative province as the starting point to walk out a new road of high-quality development in Anhui in the new era".

"The past decade has been a decade of great leap forward development in Anhui." Wang Qingxian, deputy secretary of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee and governor of Anhui Province, said at the meeting that Anhui's total economic output increased from 1.9 trillion yuan to 4.7 trillion yuan last year, and three trillion level steps have been crossed in the past decade; In China's economic territory, it has achieved a historic leap of the total amount in the middle, the per capita backward to the total amount in the front, and the per capita in the middle; The industrial revenue above designated size has increased from 3.3 trillion yuan to 5.1 trillion yuan, becoming an emerging industrial and manufacturing province.

It is reported that by March this year, Anhui's manufacturing investment has maintained a growth rate of more than 18% for 26 consecutive months. At the same time, Anhui is also a province with net inflow of technology, capital, talent and other factor resources.

"In recent years, in a new round of industrial development and reform, Anhui has been based on its own industrial foundation, focusing on key fields such as automobile and new generation information technology, accelerating the building of emerging industry clusters, and developing new quality productivity according to local conditions." Fei Gaoyun, member of the Standing Committee of Anhui Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor, said.

At present, the automobile and equipment manufacturing industry in Anhui has exceeded one trillion yuan, and the energy conservation and environmental protection industry of new materials and new energy has also exceeded 500 billion yuan. In 2023, Anhui's automobile output will be 2.491 million, ranking second in the country, of which the new energy vehicle output will be 0.868 million, ranking fourth in the country; 1.147 million cars were exported, and almost one car is made in Anhui for every four cars exported nationwide.

In the past decade, the proportion of strategic emerging industries in Anhui's total industrial output value above designated size has doubled. The reason for this development trend is that Fei Gaoyun believes that "Anhui has always adhered to the direction of cluster development in work." According to the path of "leading enterprises - industrial chain - industrial cluster - industrial ecology", Anhui has persistently promoted industrial chain clustering and cluster formation.

Adhere to the path of "scientific innovation+industry". Anhui gives full play to the advantages of rich scientific and technological innovation resources, and promotes innovation resources to serve the industry and gather in enterprises. For the "two 80%" being implemented, among the newly identified industrial innovation platforms every year, 80% are led by enterprises; Every year, 80% of the industrial science and technology projects are set by enterprises.

Continue to carry out the "double increase" action, and by 2025, the number of high-tech enterprises and technology-based SMEs in Anhui Province will double on the basis of 2021. In 2023, Anhui will add an average of 11 new high-tech enterprises and 26 high-tech SMEs every day.

(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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