Yunnan takes multiple measures to curb high bride price

2024-05-17 08:38 Source: China Youth Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

Yunnan takes multiple measures to curb high bride price

08:38, May 17, 2024     Source: China Youth Daily    

Our newspaper, Kunming, May 16 (Zhang Wenling, reporter of China Youth Daily, China Youth Network) "Wedding should be full of happiness and blessings, not vice and embarrassment. We should look at the wedding ceremony correctly." In the past few days, the theme publicity activities of "Resisting high bride price and advocating civilized marriage customs" have been carried out in various districts of Kunming and Ming, including Civilized Office, Youth League Committee The Women's Federation and other departments have proposed that young people hold weddings within their capabilities, and try to avoid and reduce the number of weddings if possible, and show the new trend of civilization and thrift by means of tourism weddings, group weddings, etc.

In order to curb the trend of high bride price, the Civilization Office of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee recently issued a notice requiring agricultural and rural offices, civil affairs, the Communist Youth League, women's federations and other departments to organize and set up volunteer persuasion teams to resist high bride price, and carry out door-to-door propaganda and persuasion; Strengthen the standardized management of marriage intermediaries and wedding institutions and the training and guidance of rural matchmakers, formulate a convention for wedding practitioners, and sign a letter of commitment on new trends; Promote the establishment of a "voluntary matchmaker studio", and create a "one-stop" service platform for dating, premarital counseling, marital relationship adjustment, and emotional counseling; Encourage the village committee to provide convenience for villagers to hold wedding banquet relying on village level comprehensive service facilities and other places; In areas where conditions permit, rural banquet service teams shall be established to clarify service items, charging standards and service commitments.

It is reported that since 2022, Yunnan has carried out special governance around prominent rural problems such as high price bride price, large-scale exercises and large-scale operations. In the process of revising the village regulations and residents' conventions, it was written to advocate legal marriage and childbearing and new marriage. In 2023, the first activity of "Looking for the Most Beautiful Village Rules in Yunnan Province" aroused widespread concern in the society, and millions of villagers participated in online voting. At present, 14865 village (neighborhood) committees in the province have completed the revision of village rules and conventions and residents' conventions, and added the content and restrictive measures related to changing customs. Red and White Councils have been established in 12710 villages (communities) across the province to standardize red and white affairs and promote rural marriage customs to be healthy and civilized.

(Editor in charge: Wei Min)

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