Jiangxi: Promote scientific and technological innovation to become the "largest increment" of high-quality development

2024-05-17 08:34 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Jiangxi: Promote scientific and technological innovation to become the "largest increment" of high-quality development

08:34, May 17, 2024     Source: Science and Technology Daily    

Beijing, Science and Technology Daily, May 16 (intern reporter Jiang Jie): "We vigorously implement the six major actions of revitalizing Jiangxi through science and technology, and promote Jiangxi's scientific and technological innovation work to show an upward trend of development." At a series of news conferences themed "Promoting high-quality development" held by the State Council Information Office on the 16th, Song Dexiong, director of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, introduced, The upward trend is embodied in four aspects: high-energy platform, high-level talents, high-tech enterprises and high-quality achievements.

From the perspective of high-energy platform, Jiangxi actively responded to the adjustment of national strategic scientific and technological force layout. At present, there are 8 national key laboratories contracted, which has achieved a major breakthrough in the establishment of national key laboratories led by Jiangxi. From the perspective of high-level talents, the number of academicians working in Jiangxi has exceeded double digits, and the number of "outstanding young people" and "excellent young people" has more than doubled. From the perspective of high-tech enterprises, Jiangxi took the lead in carrying out the cultivation of science and technology leaders and warehousing enterprises in the country. High growth technology-based enterprises flourished, technology-based SMEs increased by 73.8%, and the turnover of technology contracts increased nearly three times. From the perspective of high-quality achievements, major breakthroughs have been made in the fields of large civil helicopters, semiconductor light-emitting devices, high-temperature superconducting heating devices, etc. The world's largest and first domestic 10000 ton ocean communication submarine cable laying ship was launched in Jiangxi.

Song Dexiong said that Jiangxi will continue to pursue the dream of science and technology, and effectively promote the "key variable" of scientific and technological innovation to become the "largest increment" of high-quality development of Jiangxi.

In terms of building an innovation chain, we will strengthen the construction of strategic scientific and technological forces with Jiangxi characteristics, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs in the construction of national key laboratories in rare earth, nuclear resources, non-ferrous metals and other fields. Jiangxi will focus on nuclear technology application, low altitude economy, new energy storage and other fields, increase original and leading scientific and technological breakthroughs, and solve key technical problems in the industry.

In terms of forging the talent chain, Jiangxi will make good use of the talent introduction mechanism such as "one case, one discussion" and special posts to recruit more academicians and national "outstanding youth" as chief scientists of major innovation platforms and major research and development projects. At the same time, we will continue to invite academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences and relevant experts to Jiangxi for research and investigation, and promote the implementation of a number of project achievements. Optimize the provincial high-level science and technology leading talent cultivation project, cultivate a group of academic and technical leaders in major disciplines, and recruit science and technology leading talents to serve as the "vice president of science and technology" of enterprises above designated size. In addition, we will implement the special project for young scientific and technological talents in early career, establish a direct support mechanism for young scientific and technological talents from the Provincial Natural Science Foundation, and effectively increase the proportion of young scientific and technological talents as project leaders, so that young scientific and technological talents can stay, use well, and become talents.

In terms of optimizing the policy chain, Jiangxi will effectively simplify the project management process, establish a due diligence and exemption mechanism, so that researchers can focus on innovation without distraction; We will continue to expand the scope of the pilot reform of the ownership or long-term use rights of post based scientific and technological achievements, give researchers greater power to determine the technical route and use funds, and let researchers be passionate and motivated to innovate; It will further improve the comprehensive service system for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, promote the effective connection between the "supply side" and the "demand side" of scientific and technological achievements, and promote the transformation and application of more achievements in the province.

(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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