Tianjin: Public credit report replaces the certificate of no violation of laws and regulations, and the reform has achieved initial results

2024-05-17 08:28 Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

Tianjin: Public credit report replaces the certificate of no violation of laws and regulations, and the reform has achieved initial results

08:28, May 17, 2024     Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph    

Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, May 16 (Song Rui, Sui Fuyi) Reporters learned from the press conference held by the Information Office of the Tianjin Municipal People's Government on May 16 that Tianjin has achieved initial success in implementing the reform of substituting public credit reports for non violation certificates. By the end of April this year, the number of downloads of special public credit reports had reached 2364, and the number of substitute certificates had reached 42072.

Chen Jianjiang, deputy director of Tianjin Development and Reform Commission, introduced that, from the perspective of application scenarios, certificates of no violation of laws and regulations issued for listing applications accounted for more than 67% of the total number. The launch of the special version of the credit report greatly simplified the listing and financing procedures of relevant enterprises, and saved new momentum for Tianjin to cultivate more listed enterprises.

In 2023, Tianjin will take the lead in implementing public credit reports in 25 key areas such as public security, housing construction, market supervision, and ecological environment to replace the certificate of no violation of laws and regulations, effectively solving the problem of "four more and two lower" faced by enterprises in the past when issuing certificates of no violation of laws and regulations ("four more" means more certificates issued, more submission scenarios, more application departments, and more processing procedures; "two lower" It is the problem of low standardization of certification content and low effectiveness of certification.

"This year, we will further expand the scope of certificate substitution on the basis of the original 25 fields, achieve full coverage of certificate substitution in key fields without violation of laws and regulations, and expand the applicable subjects to natural persons, and in the" Credit China (Tianjin) " ’The website has new functions such as report verification and authorization query, which are used to query the authenticity of the verification report by a third party, constantly enrich the application scope of the report, and promote the optimization of the business environment and the improvement of administrative efficiency. " Chen Jianjiang said.

(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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