More than 7000 standards are shared in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

2024-05-17 08:17 Source: Xinhuanet
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(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

More than 7000 standards are shared in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

08:17, May 17, 2024     Source: Xinhuanet    

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 16 (Reporter Yang Na) Up to now, 7478 standards have been shared in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. This is the latest data released at the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Regional Cooperation Conference on Market Supervision jointly held by the Beijing Municipal Market Supervision Administration, Tianjin Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Commission and Hebei Provincial Market Supervision and Administration on the 16th, which fully reflects some of the achievements made by the market supervision departments in Beijing Tianjin Hebei in recent years in constantly improving the "standard integration" system.

The local market supervision department should strengthen the standard guidance and quality support, which will help enhance the resilience and competitiveness of the industrial supply chain. Among them, standards, measurement and certification work play a significant role in facilitating trans provincial travel, regional environmental protection, safety production standards, transportation, engineering construction, etc.

At present, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have established the "3+X" regional collaborative standardization cooperation mode of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, focusing on fire protection, engineering construction, tourism, transportation, civil affairs and other fields, constantly enriching the practice of "standard integration", and building a standardized information service platform for Beijing Tianjin Hebei. The data shows that among the 7478 shared standards that have been achieved, 2131 are Beijing landmarks, 1033 are Tianjin landmarks, and 4314 are Hebei landmarks. In addition, the three cities have jointly built 35 metrological technical specifications and shared more than 200 metrological technical specifications, effectively promoting regional metrological technology collaboration, homogeneity and standards.


(Editor in charge: Yang Miao)

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