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Current location: Diqing Tourism Website > Diqing Tourist Attractions >Bigu Tianchi
 Bigu Tianchi

Bigu Tianchi

Located in Lianhe Village, Xiaozhongdian Township, Zhongdian County, Bigu Pasture is 3500m above sea level, 51km away from the county seat, 3500m above sea level. Bigu Tianchi is called "Chu Zhang" in Tibetan, which means a small lake. Because it is located in Bigu Pasture, it is named Bigu Sky [View details]

Types of attractions: other  

Opening Hours:

Address of tourist attractions: Lianhe Village, Xiaozhongdian Township, Zhongdian County consult a map

Bigu Tianchi Tourist Route

 Is Lugu Lake fun? Qingdao Travel Agency recommends Kunming, Dali, Lijiang and Lugu Lake for three flights and eight days

Is Lugu Lake fun? Qingdao Travel Agency recommends Kunming, Dali, Lijiang and Lugu Lake for three flights and eight days

Date of group departure: daily travel days: 8 days

ordinary Qingdao Youth International Travel Agency Co., Ltd

¥ two thousand two hundred and eighty rise

¥2780 Province 500

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