Price of living baroque floor

2016-12-29 09:55:34   Source: China Franchise Network   7988 people participated
  • Scope of business: tableware
  • Number of stores: 288
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Now the decoration of houses is more and more important. If it can be well decorated at one time, finding good materials can save a lot of trouble. The choice of living baroque floor will make the floor in the home durable and beautiful for a long time. So, let me tell you the actual problem, what is the price of living baroque floor?

Life Baroque flooring is one of the ten domestic brands. It has been established for many years and has a sense of time. Of course, it has a high reputation for so many years. The living baroque floor has a simple style, and the overall color bar gives a gentle feeling. Visually, it is of great ornamental value. At the same time, it is also very practical, its gloss is very good, it is easy to clean, and its anti-skid effect is very good, and durable. When cleaning, just use a wet towel or something to scrub. At the same time, it can also extend the practical value of the floor. Therefore, the floor of life baroque gradually became popular in the market.

Life Baroque flooring is a brand of flooring carefully selected by people, with good quality materials and glue. It is made of pure handmade materials, and the workmanship is meticulous. It gives people a very grand feeling. Especially in the corners, the production is very fine, and the lines on each floor are so clear. And the living Baroque floor in people's use, no toxic substances, no impact on the body. Life Baroque has always pursued the principle of green production to improve/increase people's health, so that people's lives will not be troubled by their products. And the price of living in Baroque is between 200 and 300.

Now, you should know the importance of flooring for a family! I also learned that the living baroque floor of Xiaobian is well-known for its high quality and good sales. If you choose to join, you should choose to join the Baroque floor of life. What are you hesitating about such a good project? Quickly pick up your mobile phone and contact our investment manager. Here is a big gift waiting for you! First come, first served, join us!

  • nine hundred and sixty-three people Focus on the floor
  • ten thousand nine hundred and seventy-four people Consulting floor

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