2012 is not the end of the world for the flooring industry

2016-07-26 10:49:42   Source: China Franchise Network   8990 people participated
  • Business Scope: Floor
  • Number of stores: 543
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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In 2011, the real estate economy shrank sharply, and the home buyers' attitude of half covering their faces with a lute hit the home flooring industry hard. The downturn in the property market has tested the strength of all flooring enterprises and the endurance of all entrepreneurs. Whether 2012 is the end of the world for flooring enterprises depends not only on the mentality of enterprises, but also on thinking.
According to the author, due to the poor sales last year, many flooring enterprises carried out large-scale internal rectification, including layoffs, cancellation of year-end bonus system, re verification of performance assessment methods, etc., which led to the doubling of the number of job hoppers and increased job hopping frequency at the beginning of the year. This phenomenon has a serious impact on large enterprises. How can enterprise leaders manage their employees, dealers and stabilize the situation? This is really a question worth pondering.
The author visited several flooring enterprises, and the situation is not optimistic. Only a few enterprises have broken through the bottleneck of the industry, setting an example for small and medium-sized enterprises and increasing confidence. Among them, Zhejiang Linchang Wood Industry Co., Ltd. is full of confidence in the flooring industry.
According to Wang Xianglin, chairman of Linchang Flooring, Linchang Flooring, like other enterprises, is trying to fight against the turmoil in the property market, but how can we regroup and go against the current, we need to find a direction suitable for our own enterprises to break through and change. The company's internal production costs, staff costs, office costs, etc. can be appropriately reduced, but this is implemented without affecting the normal operation of the enterprise. This is not a fundamental plan. Only by establishing and establishing a unique brand in marketing strategy, management mode, and channels can we become an ivy in the floor industry.
Indeed, Linchang Flooring has found its own operation mode, and has made gratifying achievements in 2011. However, the situation in 2012 is more serious. Whether Linchang Flooring can break through the tight encirclement and climb to the top again, and whether there is a legend of new talent rebuilding in the floor industry, let's wait for good news and good news, and we believe that the floor industry will continue to be brilliant.

  • nine hundred and sixty-three people Focus on the floor
  • ten thousand nine hundred and seventy-four people Consulting floor

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