Top 10 brands of German floor heating pipes

2020-04-30 15:30:55   Source: China Franchise Network   4874 people participated
  • Business scope: heating
  • Number of stores: 150
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Now everyone knows the benefits of applying floor heating. There are many benefits, such as stronger, reliable and good thermal insulation expected. Therefore, now it has become the preferred heating method. At present, there are many well-known brands of floor heating, and we prefer German brands. So what are the top 10 brands of German floor heating pipes? These should be clear before purchasing.

Top 10 brands of German floor heating pipes?

1. Hewei floor heating, a German brand of floor heating, has been developing, producing and processing new products of central heating products from beginning to end. According to the company's continuous scientific and technological updates, we must master the development trend of marketing. Give consumers a good experience of the design of interior space for home decoration.

2. Bosch underfloor heating, Bosch underfloor heating, using energy-saving and environment-friendly materials and global production process, has created floor heating mechanical equipment, which not only has a comfortable safety coefficient, but also has a very high safety coefficient, which makes consumers have no worries.

3. Weineng Floor Heating is famous for its historical development trend over the years. Whether from floor heating scheme design to professional design and development, it is the world's level of priority and favored by many consumers.

4. Leon underfloor heating, Leon underfloor heating, in the current century old historical schedule of the industry, integrates the core value of low-carbon environmental protection, modern technology and fashion elements into product design, so that consumers can feel the same German quality.

5. Most of them are well-known brands of German IVT's main products, which are mainly used for professional research, production, processing and sales of pipe installation and connection, toilet mechanical equipment, central heating and other professional aspects. The market is integrated and has obvious advantages in market sales.

6. Kuosheng, Germany, is mainly used for the production, processing and new product development of plastic pipes and parts for water supply and drainage and central heating/refrigeration units. The pipeline series of star products are various and widely used. Including 19 application scopes, such as drinking water pipe, floor heating, circulating water system, decoration ceiling grid cooling/heating.

7. TECE, German TECE company is the founder of plastic pipes today. For several years, we have been constantly expanding and promoting market sales around the world, covering the region and market share in the global peers.

8. German Ruihao, which was founded in 1948, has a long history in the industry and occupies the market with high quality. It has long become a global driver of polymer manufacturing expertise.

9. Oboro is an excellent pipeline agent. The company's new product development, production, processing and sales market for aluminum plastic pipes is integrated. Quality and quality are often guaranteed, and the products sold in the market are highly evaluated.

10. Owen Top, founded in 1851, is headquartered in Osberg, Germany. Its branches have regional agents all over the world, and maintain a regular win-win cooperation relationship with partners from beginning to end.

What are the top 10 brands of German floor heating pipes? These different well-known brands have different products with different quality and prices, which will naturally have different functions. Therefore, if you need to select floor heating pipes, you need to grasp some of these contents. How to select the floor heating is better. One depends on its well-known brand and whether it meets the budget standard, and the other depends on the quality of floor heating and other difficulties. All these need to be considered comprehensively and choose a better brand of floor heating.

label: Floor heating pipe joining
  • nine hundred and sixty-three people Focus on the floor
  • ten thousand nine hundred and seventy-four people Consulting floor

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