How much is the wooden floor franchise

2018-03-26 16:30:48   Source: China Franchise Network   9634 people participated
  • Business scope: wooden floor
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Now people pay great attention to taste and quality when decorating their homes. If they choose wood flooring as the flooring, it can improve the taste of the overall home decoration. This is also the choice of most owners when decorating. It can be seen that the wood flooring industry has a broad development market, and many smart candidates have the idea of joining the industry. So How much is the wooden floor franchise? Now, let's discuss it with you!

How much is the wooden floor franchise? Here, I can't generalize. I still need to consider many aspects. The first is the brand of wood flooring. The franchise fee of a brand depends on its market influence For a "good" brand, its franchise fee will not be too low, so its overall wisdom will rise. Then, take Del flooring as an example to see how much it costs to join Del flooring.

 Wood floor

From the Internet, we can see that Del Flooring has launched a variety of franchise models, including standard stores, image stores, flagship stores, and their corresponding franchise fees are also very different, From 30000 yuan to 100000 yuan, because the specific franchise fee is determined according to the city level and the scale selected by the smart selectors, the smart selectors must make a smart selection plan for the franchise matters before they are selected, so that they can be readily used in the operation process.

In addition to the brand franchise fee, the smart candidate also needs to bear the rent, decoration, publicity and promotion costs, among which the rent is also related to the size of the franchise scale 200 square meters of store area, in second tier cities, its annual rent needs 100000 yuan; On the basis of 200 square meters, the decoration cost is calculated at a discount of 50 yuan per square meter, 100000 yuan, including air conditioners, lamps and other hardware equipment; The promotion of 500 discount is used for the brand promotion of franchise stores in the early and late stages of construction, and is committed to improving their popularity in the market, so as to occupy an advanced position in the market.

After that, the smart choice only needs to buy the first batch of goods to open a store. Generally, the franchised brands have requirements for the total amount of the first batch of purchases. As far as Del flooring is concerned, its headquarters The purchase requirement for a franchise scale of 200 square meters is 50000 yuan. The cost of joining the wood flooring brand is about 2850 to 3550 discounts. Of course, this is just the estimated cost of smart choice, for reference only.

 Solid wood flooring

How much is the wooden floor franchise? The above is all the analysis made by Xiao Bian. I hope it can help you. If you still have doubts about the cost of smart choice in the wood flooring industry, you can click online consultation to help you provide a more specific and reliable cost range of smart choice according to the actual situation of smart choice.

  • one thousand four hundred and ninety-five people Focus on the floor
  • twelve thousand six hundred and thirty-nine people Consulting floor

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