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Today: two | Yesterday: seventy-one | Posts: one million eight hundred and four thousand and six hundred | member: three hundred and sixty-nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-three | Welcome new members: dh2@87545099

 Nostalgic clothes area
Nostalgic clothes area
"Dahua 2 Free Edition Nostalgic Clothes" section!
 Travel to the West
Travel to the West (Today: 2)
Regular server main discussion area. Love big talk, all the way west! Talk about what you hear and what you think.
 News bulletin
News bulletin
The latest official game updates and activities are here!
 Niutu Special Area
Niutu Special Area
This contains all the pictures of cattle in the forum to create a feast for everyone!
 Great God Circle
Great God Circle
New version of NetEase God: the latest information, the most comprehensive strategy, and daily benefits!
 Return strategy station
Return strategy station
Introduction summary of Dahua Westward Journey 2 Free Edition


Goddess of Empowerment Video Column Powerful Cattle Painting Exclusive interview with God

Online members -Total one hundred and fifty-five People online - the highest record is eighteen thousand five hundred and sixty-eight to 2022-7-17 .

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