Official website of Dahua Westward Journey 2 Free Edition - classic free turn system

Free official website of Dahua Westward Journey 2 - classic free turn system

"Dahua Westward Journey 2 Free Edition", green free, easy to make money, classic again!

Full service limited to 200 copies! The battle ride skin illusion and theme fashion will be on sale tomorrow!

2024-05-15 Author:

Heroes are loyal to the sky, and the Red Rabbit gallops in the Jianghu! The new battle ride skin illusion "Red Rabbit · Flame", battle ride themed fashion "Benevolent Clouds" and "battle ride mysterious atlas" will be open for preview in the game at 8:00 tomorrow morning, and will be sold in full service at 12:00.

  【 Red Rabbit Mechanism Box 】The price is 20888 Tongbao. After use, you can get Battle Ride Skin Illusion Red Rabbit · Flame, Limited time out of print sale , it has only been on the shelves for 8 days, so don't miss it, young Xia! Mysterious Atlas of War Riders 】The price is 25888 Tongbao. After use, the "Red Rabbit · Flame" can be upgraded to "Red Rabbit · Shine". The mechanism box before and after the upgrade is Tradable Full service limited to 200 copies , first come, first served, sold out!

Loyal generals and martyrs are loyal to the world. Yiboyuantian Fashion Box 】The price is 8888 Tongbao, and the corresponding fashion will be obtained according to gender after use. The ancient loyal men, chivalrous and kind-hearted, and bold and upright coexist. The battle riding theme fashion "Loyal and Loyal" skillfully integrates the essence of both into the design. The men's clothing "Changyun" refers to the classic impression of Guan Yu. The blue gold war helmet is inlaid with red heroic courage. The symbolic pine green gown is protected by an indestructible bronze armor. When you raise your hands and feet, you will be extremely brave. When the breeze blows, the long locks are elegant, the beautiful beard is clear, and the dark green cloak embroidered with dragon patterns is also swaying, just like a green dragon dancing, which shows the bravery and dignity of chivalrous men. This scene is like an eternal warrior saint coming back to the world, which makes people awe and yearn.

The men's dress "Changyun" is domineering and powerful, while the women's dress "Fengzi" is rigid and soft, with white and golden hair crowns on her head. The sharp outline points straight to the sky, as if to announce her ambition of Lingyun. A dark green robe is like ripples of blue waves. It is matched with half covered armor, which not only shows a stable and reliable temperament, but also shows light and elegant elegance. The bottom of the robe is also cleverly decorated with bright gold lines, which reflects the luster of the armor, adding a touch of luxury and brightness. On the cloak, the dragon embroidery is lifelike, as if ready to ride on the clouds at any time, adding a touch of heroism and Sassou. It turns out that the phoenix should be like this, with a touch of ancient charm moving people!

The red rabbit turns into a cute horse and accompanies you in the Jianghu! The brand new battle cavalry magic skin "Red Rabbit · Flame" is powerful and cute, and a pair of plush long ears are light and swaying, like the spring breeze blowing on the face. The huge rabbit nose is keenly sniffing the breath around, alert and resourceful, and vows to work together with young Xia to eliminate evil spirits!

After using the prop "Mysterious Atlas of War Riders", you can upgrade the red rabbit mechanism box or the activated battle ride magic skin "Red Rabbit · Flame" to "Red Rabbit · Shine". The upgraded mechanism box Can still trade Activate "Red Rabbit · Flame" to obtain 1000 points Fashion value, which can be obtained by activating "Red Rabbit · Shine" 2400 points Style value. Fashion points can be exchanged for fashion points, and fashion points can be exchanged for four-dimensional attributes and dharma awareness attributes. Young Xia who reach a certain level can also obtain medals and interesting skills.

   For more introduction of fashion system, you can go to the special topic:

The upgraded "Red Rabbit · Yao" can show the owner's uniqueness and noble demeanor! The hairy long ears turn into fiery red, the agate eyebrows rise high, sharp and firm, and the inlaid gold eyebrows add a bit of dignity that cannot be underestimated. The red eyes, which were once as deep as chalcedony, now glow with the golden light of fire, like the flames that are bursting out, releasing a fierce battle spirit, and showing more heroic!

The righteous cloud reflects the mountains and rivers, and the chivalrous man is loyal to break the world! May 16 to May 23 The brand new battle horse skin illusion and battle horse themed fashion will be put on line, and the "battle horse mysterious atlas" will also be launched at 12:00 on May 16, Full service limited to 200 copies , first come, first served, sold out! Young Xia, who likes this battle riding skin illusion and battle riding theme fashion, don't miss it. Let's make a stunning appearance in the three worlds midsummer!

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