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Chivalrous love fills the Jianghu! The peak battle of the ladder starts in the afternoon of Saiming in spring

2024-03-29 Author:

On the peak day of flag dancing, chivalrous love fills the Jianghu! The 2024 Sky Ladder Summit Spring Competition is on fire, and the first round of the qualifier will be launched at 14:00 tomorrow afternoon. The three experts have been fully equipped and released at this moment, and they need to challenge the new glory. There are also rich awards such as the honor statue, exclusive title, rare props, and medal points of the Sky Ladder for you to win!

   Special topic of 2024 Tianti Summit Spring Competition:


The first round of preliminary selection of top experts starts in the afternoon

At 14:00 tomorrow afternoon, the experts of the full service ladder will gather together to compete with each other in strength until the top eight teams are selected, and they will compete for the spring championship on Sunday afternoon!

All teams can enter the arena at 13:30, 14:00-14:05 is the first round preparation time, and 14:05 is the unified match time. Please make full preparations in advance and go all out for the glory of spring!

For more details of the event and the match time, please refer to the following long picture:

The experts will fight against each other! The 2024 Sky Ladder Summit Battle will officially start at 14:00 p.m. in the spring of Saiming, when the video number of "Dahua Westward Journey 2 Free Edition", official website topics, CC live broadcast, fighting fish, dithering and other platforms will also be broadcast simultaneously. Please also enter the stadium on time to fight for honor and friendship!

   Special topic of 2024 Tianti Summit Spring Competition:

[About "NetEase God"]

Netease God is an elite player community under Netease Games. Here, a large number of elite players, game circle celebrities and industry bigwigs are gathered, and the exclusive official information and welfare anecdotes of Netease are collected, aiming to create a rich social circle of game interests for players. Players can chat and interact with friends in the game in real time on NetEase; Meet friends with games, make more friends with games, and find more fun with God.

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