Scan code to download pocket version

Mobile phone and computer interworking

2024 Nostalgic Clothes Novice Gift Bag
Input at Gift Bag Center activation

Wonderful soldier raffle ticket

Feng Shui Hunyuan Pill

Lingyi Tianxiang

Let's Go · Team up

Three realms of name and movement
Travel in the Jianghu with divine animals

Super Vigor Pill

Soul coagulating bead
(Fifth permanent)

Soul coagulating bead

Divine beast fragment

Challenge Play
participate in "The old enemy is now" Play to win a gift

Wuchang Divine Beast

Super Beast

Random magic weapon gift box

Advanced Guard Box

Please select a picture

1. This game is a round role-playing game, which is applicable to users aged 12 and above. It is recommended that minors use the game product under the supervision of their parents. We encourage parents to manage their game behavior according to the actual situation of minors. Parents can follow the WeChat public account of "NetEase Parent Care Platform", call the official customer service telephone 95163611 or log in to NetEase Parent Care Platform( )See specific guidelines.

2. This game is based on the relevant stories of Journey to the West, with some adaptations based on historical events, but it will not be confused with real life. The game has bright colors and bright music. The play method is based on the thinking judgment and physical operation of certain difficulty. There is a team play method that needs the cooperation of many people, and players are encouraged to reach their goals through communication, thinking and improvement. There is a stranger social system based on voice and text in the game, but the management of the social system follows relevant laws and regulations.

3. This game has a user real name authentication system. You cannot log in to the game without a real name account. Users who are certified as minors will be subject to the following management:

In the game, some play methods and props need to be paid, and some servers need to pay for online time. Users under the age of 8 cannot pay; For minor users over 8 years old but under 16 years old, the single recharge amount shall not exceed 50 yuan, and the cumulative monthly recharge amount shall not exceed 200 yuan; For minor users over 16 years old, the single recharge amount shall not exceed 100 yuan, and the cumulative monthly recharge amount shall not exceed 400 yuan. Minor players can log in to the game from 20pm to 21pm every day on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays. They cannot log in to the game at other times.

4. This game takes Xianxia as the theme, and the creation of character design, background music, etc. has incorporated a large number of traditional Chinese cultural elements, which helps to spread traditional Chinese culture. Players can communicate and cooperate with each other to complete the game goals, which can bring positive and pleasant emotional experience to players. The game has a team playing mode, which requires players to cooperate and help each other to complete the game tasks, which is helpful to cultivate players' teamwork ability; The game playing method has a strong strategic nature, which helps to train the players' thinking ability.

As of 24:00 on December 31, 2024, only players with a level of ≥ 1 to 110 and a time interval of ≥ 30 days from the last game login can activate. Since the role is activated, it can be activated again after an interval of three months if the activation conditions are met. The same role ID should not be activated more than three times in a year.

Please go to make an appointment for nostalgic clothes
Sign up for test clothes

Activation Guide
Query Results

The deletion test time is From 12:00 on July 25, 2024 to 24:00 on August 7, 2024 , please use the activation code in time.

Activation process:

1. Download the game: Open the homepage of nostalgic service or the official website download area( ), download PC client or pocket button, download Dahua 2 free version.

Note: Players who already have a free version of the client do not need to download a new client. After completing the client update, they can use the existing client to enter the game - select the nostalgic service area - to experience the game. (Both PC side and pocket version)

2. Install and enter: After downloading, install the game, open the free version of Dahua Westward Journey 2, and click the Enter button to enter the game.


3. Login account: if there is an existing account and it is bound to the military order, you can directly log in with God or scan the military order code; If there is no account, it is recommended to click Normal Login and use your mobile phone number to login.


4. Select the server: log in to the account successfully, enter the server selection interface, and select Nostalgic clothes - Baoxiang National District , the activation code activation interface will pop up when selecting for the first time; 7.25 After maintenance Only then can you see the nostalgic test clothes.

5. Enter the activation code: Enter the 16 digit activation code received. If the activation code is correct and the maximum number of activations has not been reached, you can successfully enter the server. Each activation code can be activated for up to five times, and can be used by five players.


Warm tip: Each activation code can be used 5 times. Young Xia are encouraged to share the activation code with other relatives and friends, but don't over share it so that you can't enter.

Test reward
Query Results

This test is a paid file deletion test. During the test, you will receive rewards in the game according to the accumulated recharge. The rewards can be used during the test.

After the test The server will be shut down and all role information will be cleared At the same time, the accumulated exchange of Xianyu/Xianyuan will be recorded and recorded in August 15th In the form of fairy jade and fairy fate after the official opening Full refund

Recharging during the test can additionally obtain the following props:

In order to let you experience more game content during the limited test period, July 25 to August 7 , you can obtain corresponding game props when you recharge to different levels in the test clothes (only for use in the test clothes).

Recharging grade Fairy Jade Fairy Luck Equivalence Accumulated reward content
one 30 yuan Jade key * 1, small intimate pill * 10
two 100 yuan 500w Beast Pill * 1, unidentified gem * 3
three 300 yuan Breeze and snow (no trading) * 20, advanced Jinliulu * 1
four 600 yuan Advanced Golden Willow Dew * 1, Jade Key * 1
five 1000 yuan Wonderful weapon fragment * 1, cool wind and white snow (forbidden to trade) * 20, unidentified gem * 5
six 1600 yuan Advanced unidentified gems * 2, jade keys * 1, unidentified gems * 5
seven 2800 yuan Soul Gathering Pill * 1, Divine Weapon Fragment * 1, Advanced Unverified Gem * 1
eight 3600 yuan Intimate Zhendan * 30, magic weapon fragments * 1, advanced unidentified gems * 3

Test gratitude return:

The recharge amount during the test will be August 15th After the service is officially opened, it will be returned in full in the form of Xianyu Xianyuan, and additional props will be given according to different grades. The additional conditions are as follows:

Recharging grade Fairy Jade Fairy Luck Equivalence Accumulated reward content
one 100 yuan Qiongyu key * 1, cool wind and white snow (no trading) * 20, magic soldier raffle ticket * 1
two 600 yuan Advanced unidentified gem * 4, magic weapon fragment * 1
three 1600 yuan Divine weapon fragments * 4
four 3600 yuan First level magic weapon gift box · shoes * 1
Activity Rules

Activity rules: Brothers get together again, there is no limit to the group!

From now on to August 15, before the opening of the service, the brothers' group booking activity is open. Come and invite your brothers to get on the bus together and return to youth! As long as you reach the number of people in a group, you can receive corresponding rewards. The rewards for holding a group in seven gears can be stacked!

Collection method: After the nostalgic clothes are officially opened, the character level ≥ Grade 25 You can go to the Gift Bag Center to receive rewards.

matters needing attention: After the nostalgic clothes are opened, young Xia, please Be sure to use the account reserved by the group to create roles To ensure that we can make a group appointment with accounts and nostalgic service roles Account number is consistent So that Shaoxia can successfully receive rewards.

Only one role can claim it under each account. It cannot be changed after confirmation. Please pay attention, young Xia.

Period of validity: August 15 September 13

Enquiry of friendship test qualification
Each activation code can be activated 5 times
The test was started at 12:00 p.m. on July 25 (Thursday)
Please use the mobile phone number filled in the registration questionnaire for query
Query Results
Each activation code can be activated 5 times
Congratulations, young Xia!

The deletion test time is From 12:00 on July 25, 2024 to 24:00 on August 7, 2024 , the test server is Nostalgic Clothes - Treasure Elephant Kingdom , this test is Paid deletion test After the test, the server will be shut down, and the accumulated exchange of Xianyu/Xianyuan will be launched on August 15 Fairy Jade Fairy Destiny Full refund in the form of. For detailed rules, please click on the activation guide and test award above.

Query Results

It's a pity that you didn't get the test qualification, but please don't lose heart. Each activation code can be used 5 times. You can go to the community or ask friends if there are any available activation codes.

Create a team
*Character name not created by the game
After creating a team, it cannot be changed. Each person can only create or join one Team, are you sure you want to create a team?
Query team
Join the team
Young Xia
Invite you to join“ ”Team
*Character name not created by the game
Everyone can only join A team , and after joining Cannot exit , Are you sure you want to join this team?
Join the team
Young Xia
Invite you to join“ ”Team
Everyone can only join A team , and after joining Cannot exit , Are you sure you want to join this team?
Young Xia, you are already in the team,
Everyone can only join one team!
Team created successfully!
My Information
Joined successfully!
Come and invite more brothers to accept the award together

    Congratulations, Shaoxia!
    At 12:00 on August 15, see you at Donghai Fishing Village!