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Player sharing: tactical babies suitable for novice players

2024-05-06 Author: Cool game

Recommend several babies with tactical significance for novice players.

1. Sword Spirit

For the civilian team, it is difficult to increase the speed. The speed skill of the sword spirit can increase the speed of the target unit by 21%. Now the addition of the sword spirit magic skin has greatly improved the speed of the sword spirit. The magic skin sword spirit of the 160 level dual sensitive mount can have a speed of about 2500. If there are good mount accessories, baby accessories, As a keepsake of the baby, the sword spirit can even reach the speed of nearly 3000. Some sword elves even have 10 keels and 2 evolutions, and even have a speed of more than 3000. If the appearance rate of the former sword elves is not high, the appearance rate of the sword elves will become higher and higher after the enhanced Tianwaitian Flying Devil can speed up 4 units. Whether it is the double control team or the Zhongmin team, many of them have a sword elves with them. Many players report that the speed of Root Bone Women is not easy to mention, so we should prepare a sword spirit immediately.

2. Jingwei

The acceleration is sometimes not enough, because some strange people are still fast, then Jingwei can play her role. The natural skill, the giant on foot of clay, decelerates by 20%. Now that Jingwei has magic skin, its speed has also been greatly improved.

3. Rabbit Kitchen

The rabbit chef is very special. He can get it when he signs in, but his own control skills are very powerful. The chance of intimate control for 200w can reach 45%, which can be said to be the gospel of the blood team. But the old district doesn't know whether it will appear in the future check-in activities.

4. Painted Skin

Painted skin increases combo rate, splitting and flower splitting probability, and can increase the chance of attachment by nearly 20 points. Is it equivalent to having an additional control with a sensitive painted skin, and some immune controlled units such as Qin Shihuang can also be attached.

5. Negative sensitivity baby

The negative sensitive baby Pk is slow, but it is not easy to be accused because of its low speed during the task. In particular, the low sensitive blood team takes a negative sensitive anti physical blood baby to fight Qin Shihuang. If the baby is ruled by the devil, it will not need to use the baby to protect women, because Qin Shihuang only attaches to the unit with the lowest speed.

6. Clear water

The anti shock blue water is quite disgusting. It has a lot of blood and can return blood. In particular, garrisoning on the land in a group can make the opponent's players break down. Now with the blessing of mount accessories, baby accessories and keepsakes, it should not be strange to see blue water with hundreds of thousands of blood. Think about the tens of thousands of blood returned by blue water each round. Is it hard to fight.

7. Peaches

I always feel that the task of lacking magic is very good, and the blue returned in each round can be used again in the next round.

The above are some common babies with strong tactical significance in the game. We don't know which babies with strong tactical significance we think can be discussed together.

   This article is shared by players for reference only and does not represent an official point of view.

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