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The May Day activity of fast customs clearance 2024 "Hundred flowers contend for beauty", look here!

2024-04-28 Author:

The May Day holiday is coming, in the game May Day 2024 "Hundred Flowers Compete in Beauty" Activity, the first step is to At 0:00 on April 29, the whole service was opened , participating in activities can not only experience the good spring time, but also have the opportunity to Zhou Shengsheng's foot gold flower necklace, dragon and horse gold inlaid with jade carvings, topaz, and Eight Wilderness Relics Wait for a gift oh

In order to let young Xia pass the May Day event more quickly and win the attractive prize, my second brother has specially prepared a clearance strategy for you. I hope it will help you!


1、 List of customs clearance teams and attributes

The role level of the team in this reference is 3 to 140. The team type is double demons, one rain, one immortal and one mixed person. The specific attributes are as follows:

Note: Monster difficulty varies according to team level; Young Xia with different formation, pay attention to the characteristics of monsters and make targeted response.


2、 Detailed explanation of customs clearance for May Day

There are four tasks in this May Day activity, namely [Team up] Cherish flowers and catch insects [Challenge] Flower Protection and Demon Subduing [Single] Strange flowers and famous fragrance [Single] Pay homage to the Flower God

First [Team up] Cherish flowers and catch insects 3 to 5 people form a team and go directly to Chang'an East, Datang territory, Wuzhi Mountain and Datang border to collect pests.

The overall health of the small monster is too small, and the number of targets will be more than the magic's deterrent spell. If it is a single fire, you can bring some attack pets and magic pets to compensate for damage, usually you can win in one round. The number of small monsters is only ten. I suggest you go to several corners of Wuzhi Mountain to find them. It's easy to find piles of monsters and kill them faster.

Each time you kill a monster, you can get a peony flower, which can be exchanged for rewards at the reception of Luoyang Flower Fair.

Next [Challenge] Flower Protection and Demon Subduing It's the boss challenge. You can kill five bosses only after they are sent to the scene of the Luoyang Flower Fair. The difficulty increases in turn.

The following is a list of corresponding boss difficulty choices:


Difficulty selection

Luoshui Shura

Simple and ordinary

Sad Soul Shura

Simple and ordinary

Phantom sound Shura

Simple, ordinary and difficult

Faceless Shura

Simple, ordinary, difficult, excellent

Shura Leader

Simple, ordinary, difficult, excellent


1. Luoshui Shura

The first boss belongs to the entry-level boss. The old area can normally draw seconds/poison. In the new area, click the first four Luoshui mussels to control the units that can mix poison, and then control the units that can return blood. The difficulty is not high.


2. Sad Soul Shura

Like the first boss, this boss is also an entry-level boss. There is no outstanding point in health and resistance, and agility is also low. Different from the first boss, there will be one more monster. If the output is insufficient, you can try to bring attack pet or magic pet to make up for the damage.

If there is a wall in the new area that can carry the first three evil spirits of the prince of the dragon and chase him, you can click the first four evil spirits of the dragon woman to control him. If you can't carry it too much, it is recommended that you mix with the prince of the dragon first, and then the dragon woman who will mix and the main monster who will return blood.


3. Phantom sound Shura

This boss provides three modes: simple, ordinary and difficult. The overall difficulty is not high, the agility is low, but there is something about the resistance. Ignoring the 50+mixed with fireworks, if the control neglect is not too high, it will be slightly stable.

The output is insufficient and the players in the new area are suggested to smoke seconds/poison in three stacks of crosses at the front two Yang Pass points, and control the top four croons at the front of the control point. At the same time, pay attention to protecting key units to avoid being killed by the main monster Kamin's attachment method.


4. Faceless Shura

The boss's overall sensitivity is not low. The magic department is basically around 1500, and the major powers are medium sensitivity. Some of them have high scores and are brave, and some of them have mixed up. For the team with low sensitivity, the safest way is to take an invisibility drug.

The main monster is immune. It is not recommended to chase the main monster unless necessary. The second unit to avoid catching is the main monster. The little monster will run away after clearing up. Before that, it would do some dirty operations, such as honoring God's punishment (increase life and rage), heavy smoking, small poison and small forgetting small return. Except for heavy smoking and being accused of bad luck, the rest will not affect us.

If the output is insufficient, you can consider clicking the first 4000 years of Solitude Cross to smoke seconds/poison, and the first two control points are in full swing. If you are strange and sensitive, you can control the units that can poison. If you are worried about poison, you can click the units that can poison.


5. Shura Leader

Except for the first three Shura units, which are 2000+sensitive, other high sensitive units are about 1500 sensitive units, and the middle sensitive units are about 1000 sensitive units. The resistance is moderate. Ignoring the 50 is not very stable. It is recommended to take a rune. The overall health is moderate, and the main monster and broken bones are a qualified two or five cubs.

It is suggested that the method of fire suppression should be used. If it is safer, the core unit should be invisible. If you don't want to waste medicine, you can consider pulling back or trying to protect it.

If you don't have enough firepower, you can consider cross point killing. If you don't have high speed, you must pay attention to it. In the first round, it will speed up, so as to avoid that it will overtake the sensitive sequence and seize your own unit. In the subsequent rounds, it will still chase you with magic skills. There is still a threat. It can be considered that the sword spirit in the first round can quickly control it and take the initiative to control it.


After finishing the team task, you can do the next single task! [Single] Strange flowers and famous fragrance This task is very simple. It is a ring running task. Find a flower grower at the flower fair site to take the task, and then automatically find the way to run.

If you want to be faster, you can use props such as flying flags to quickly reach a point near the destination.

   [Single] Pay homage to the Flower God It's a small game. It's similar to the firecracker in the Spring Festival activities before. Three times a day, you can get peony flowers and random items after customs clearance.

In short, the route between the character's avatar and the palace location is connected to pass the customs. If you finish within the time limit and pick up a specified number of wreaths in the route, you can get an extra peony flower and a random item reward.

It is not difficult to simply pass the customs and complete in a limited time. At the same time, if you need to pick up a specified number of wreaths, you may need to change the route and go to the path with wreaths. You will feel it after several more attempts.

Sometimes when you don't know how to adjust the route from the position of the character's avatar, you can reverse the route from the position of the palace, maybe you can pass the customs faster.

Here, careful young Xia will find that in addition to experience and random items, peony flowers will also be given to each task. What rewards can peony flowers exchange for?

The things that can be exchanged are good. Eight Wilderness Relics, Topaz, Muscle and Bone Qi lifting Pill, Topaz, etc. can be exchanged according to their own conditions.



In general, the May Day 2024 activity does not need much time to complete all tasks, and the difficulty of BOSS is relatively moderate. During the holiday, I took the time to do it. If I'm not sure, I will Zhou Shengsheng's foot gold flower necklace, dragon and horse gold inlaid with jade carvings, topaz, and Eight Wilderness Relics Wait for the gift to take home.

   The content of this article is provided by players for reference only and does not represent an official view

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