Love gathers big talk, brothers are priceless, 2021 big talk time tour to the west is coming!

October 16th


October 30th


November 6


November 27th


December 11th


Zhengzhou Taiyuan Shanghai Tangshan Shenzhen

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Notice for registration:
Love gathers big talk, brothers are priceless! This year, in addition to the five official time tour stops in the city, there will also be a number of gang or local small-scale player gatherings nationwide, organized by players, and paid by the official! It also includes rich Dahua surrounding as party support!
If you are a player in the official game city site area, you can give priority to the official game registration. If you are the leader of a sect or can invite more than 30 big talk players locally, you can sign up to organize a player farm!
Official arena Player Field
Party type:

City Party

  • City Party
  • Guild party
Real name:
Registration city:

  • Zhengzhou (October 16)
  • Taiyuan (October 30)
  • Shanghai (November 6)
  • Tangshan (November 27)
  • Shenzhen (December 11)
phone number:
Gender: male female
Server name:
Game ID:
Game level:
Role nickname:
ID card No.

If a separate face-to-face activity of the development team is held in advance on the day of the activity, are you willing to participate in the communication of the development team?



Real name:
Gender: male female
phone number:
ID card No.
City of the party:
Server name:
Game ID:
Game level:
Please provide screenshots of proof that you can gather more than 30 local Dahua players (like city group and local gang group):
Real name:
Gender: male female
phone number:
ID card No.
City of the party:
Server name:
Game ID:
Game level:
Guild name:
Guild ranking of this server:
Number of Guilds:
Leader's duration:
Congratulations on your successful registration, young Xia. The final result is subject to the official follow-up notice!
Please scan the code in time to add official WeChat~