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Part I Preface
Local chronicles are a treasure with distinctive features in Chinese traditional classics, accounting for one tenth of Chinese ancient books. Suzhou is the hometown of local chronicles. The history of local chronicles compilation has spanned thousands of years since Yuejueshu. Suzhou's local chronicles resources are not only rich, but also excellent. Nearly 300 existing old chronicles account for about one-third of the whole province. There are a complete range of official chronicles, prefecture chronicles, county chronicles, township chronicles and various special chronicles, and geographical records, maps and classics, and stereotyped chronicles are handed down in an orderly manner.
Ten old chronicles of Suzhou in the past dynasties are selected for exhibition today: Yue Jueshu in the Han Dynasty, Wu Di Ji in the Tang Dynasty, Wu Jun Zhi in the Song Dynasty, (Hongwu) Suzhou Fu Zhi in the Ming Dynasty, (Zhengde) Gusu Zhi in the Qing Dynasty, (Kangxi) Suzhou Fu Zhi in the Qing Dynasty, (Qianlong) Suzhou Fu Zhi, (Daoguang) Suzhou Fu Zhi, (Tongzhi) Suzhou Fu Zhi. The old chronicles of Suzhou are a way for us to know and understand the development and changes of Suzhou. "Seeing the trees, we think about our old home, and studying the literature, we love the old country." It makes the city remember and people remember nostalgia. There are too many Suzhou stories in Suzhou's old chronicles, which need us to constantly dig and sort out to continue Suzhou's context.
Chapter II Origin
According to the Regulations on the Work of Local Chronicles promulgated by the State Council in 2006, local chronicles refer to the information documents that comprehensively and systematically describe the history and current situation of nature, politics, economy, culture and society in the administrative region.
Chapter III Suzhou Official Records
Chapter IV Conclusion

On June 2, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the Forum on Cultural Heritage and Development that "only by comprehensively and deeply understanding the history of Chinese civilization can we more effectively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, more vigorously promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.", It profoundly clarifies the new cultural mission of the new era and puts forward clear requirements for the efforts to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Local chronicles have been handed down for thousands of years. The most important thing is historical knowledge and application. Local chronicles, known as the "encyclopedia of one side", are the foundation and source of local history and culture. Suzhou local chronicles have a long tradition of compilation and innovation. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, many local chronicles were born, which were well drawn and rigorous in style. A systematic and comprehensive understanding and study of Suzhou's history and culture should start with local chronicles. It is the common mission of cultural workers, including Suzhou local people, to do a good job in inheriting Suzhou culture.

Suzhou Local Chronicles Museum is an official organization for collecting, collecting, disseminating, utilizing and studying local chronicles, and it is also a platform for free reading and utilization of literature and history lovers. We should dig out excellent traditional culture from local chronicles, make rare books incarnate thousands of times, make the words written in ancient books "live", spread Suzhou culture, tell Suzhou stories, fully display the long history and cultural heritage of Chinese civilization and Jiangnan culture, and let the ancient local chronicles glow in the new era.
