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Talking about the past and the present | Lingyan Mountain, a place where history and nature blend

Time: 2024-05-30 01:39 Source: Suzhou Local Chronicle Compilation Committee Office (Suzhou Local Chronicle Museum) Visits:

Lingyan Mountain is located in the southwest of the ancient city of Suzhou and the northwest of Mudu Ancient Town. Yuan Hongdao called it "not very high but secluded and strange in Wuzhong". Lingyan Mountain is surrounded by peaks. From north to west, there are Tianping Mountain, Hanshan Mountain, Yinding Mountain, Qionglong Mountain, Xiangshan Mountain, Qingming Mountain, Gaofeng Mountain and Yaofeng Mountain. From south to east, there are Hengshan Mountain, Wushan Mountain, Lengjia Mountain, Huangshan Mountain and Shishan Mountain. It can be said that the peaks are linked to the mountains, and they are all in vogue, rising or falling. Lingyan is among them, standing tall and beautiful, and seems unwilling to be tied with other mountains. Lingyan Mountain stands on the bank of Taihu Lake at an altitude of one hundred and eighty-two M, with an area of about one point two square kilometre.

There are many jagged rocks on the mountain. There is an old saying of "twelve stones" or "eighteen stones". Zhang Yufu's poem "Twelve Stones" says: "Ganoderma lucidum is very unique in the sky, and horses can be seen near the Buddha Sun Rock; it is better to look at the moon when the tortoise drums are singing, and to shoot and fly in the clouds. Drunken monks are eager to croak their heads and look for cattle's back lines. After reading the scriptures, there is nothing to do, and the shadow of the bell tower is sent to the twilight." In fact, The strange stones in the mountain are more than twelve or eighteen. The shape of the portrait is like the world. Among these rare stones, Ganoderma lucidum stone is the most famous, so the mountain is named Lingyan. It is said that the Lingyan Mountain Temple on the top of the mountain was once the site of the palace of Wu Wang Guan Wa, and the zither platform, the Xiangdang corridor, the Wu Wang Well and other historic sites remain today. Yuan Hongdao once wrote: "There used to be a noisy corridor on the mountain, which was full of pines in the valley, while pines were the most popular under the corridor, and the sound was like flying waves when rushing to the mountain."


Yun Shouping's "The Painting of Lingyan Mountain" Volume (Part) Ink Paper Collected by the Palace Museum

Another reason Lingyan got its name in the world is that there is a temple on the mountain. Sikong Luwan in the Eastern Jin Dynasty originally built a villa here, but later he was donated to Buddhism, the second year of Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty( five hundred and three Xiufeng Temple was built. Fifteen years( five hundred and sixteen In), Zhiji, a Buddhist monk from the Western Regions, came to the temple to promote Buddhism and regarded Zhiji as the founder of the mountain. one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six It was rebuilt in, and the project was planned and designed by Yao Chengzu. one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two In, Master Yinguang was changed into Lingyan Mountain Temple. ninety In the s, the escalator, waist eaves and cloister were rebuilt to restore the site. The temple is located on the top of the mountain, covering an area of about two point three Million square meters, divided into three parts: central, eastern and western. The Maitreya Pavilion in the middle is dedicated to Maitreya the Heavenly Crown and Weituo the Sitting Buddha, which is dignified. The Sutra Collection Building has precious Buddhist scriptures and cultural relics, of which the only one is the Sutra Collection one thousand and seven hundred The remaining volumes and blood books, such as Huayan Sutra, are even more precious.

Lingyan Mountain was photographed in the Republic of China

Zhu Changwen wrote in the "Continuation of Wu County's Book of Figures" that "climbing the top of Lingyan, attaching the area, and overlooking the Dongting, the vast expanse of smoke and waves can be seen for thousands of miles, while the green rock and green dock, interspersed between the waves, is a perfect sight". On the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of Qintai, Moon Watching Platform, Xishi Cave and other scenic spots. The zither stand stands at the top of the mountain, with the words "Buddha Sun Rock" carved on the mountain wall, and the Piyun Terrace below is the place where Su Dongpo inscribed. It is said that Wen Zhengming, a painter of the Ming Dynasty, painted on the zither stage many times. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking into the distance, he seemed to pass through a tunnel of time. He could feel what Wen Zhengming thought when he sketched here, perhaps he could feel his admiration and awe of the natural landscape, perhaps he could glimpse his profound thinking on life, art and culture in this quiet place, Realize the nimble beauty of his landscape. Looking far from the high and leaning on the railing, it seems that Wen Zhengming can connect with his soul, and feel his emotional integration with the landscape and nature.

Han Shizhong, a famous anti Jin general, also had a lot of karma with Suzhou. He fought in the army all his life and moved to the north and south. However, he was very fond of Suzhou's wealth and elegance. After his death, he was buried at the foot of Lingyan Mountain.

Han Shizhong's tomb is located in the south of Lingyan Mountain. The tomb has the inscription of "The Stele of ZTE's Ancestors", which is about three point zero eight Zhang. one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine In the summer of, the Wanzi Stele was hit by a strong typhoon, and fell to the ground with a roar ten Remaining pieces. one thousand nine hundred and forty-six In, Master Miaozhen of Lingyan Mountain Temple invited Han's descendants and others to raise funds by cement hoop, which was divided into two sections and stood side by side, and added a seal script banner on the top with the title "Tombstone of King Han Qi's Shinto in Song Dynasty". Tablet forehead ten individual one point two The square characters are intact, and rubbings and photos of the original stele exist. one thousand nine hundred and fifty-six It was listed as a cultural relics protection unit in Jiangsu Province in. Cemetery Sutra one thousand nine hundred and ninety It was opened after renovation in succession.

Lingyan Mountain, bearing the cultural heritage of the ancient city of Suzhou and integrating natural scenery and human history, has become a must for tourists to explore. In this landscape, history and nature add radiance to each other, forming a strange and mysterious picture, waiting for your exploration and discovery.

Some pictures in the article are from the network

Draft: Original author contribution

to examine: Business Guidance Division of Municipal Local Records Office

Issued by: Secretariat of Municipal Local Chronicles Office

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