Jingying HD6670

Jingying HD6670 series graphics card belongs to AMD 6 series graphics card. With a 40nm process, it is positioned at the middle and low end. Its performance can attack GTS450 upward and suppress GT440 downward. There are 2 products in total >>
¥488-? forty-five Open the APP and place an order, and the maximum amount will be reduced by 500 yuan
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Graphics card type: beginner
Graphics card chip: Radeon HD 6670
Core frequency: 800MHz
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configuration parameter

Product model

There are 2 types in this series
Graphics card chip
  • HD6670 (2)
Video memory type
  • GDDR5 (2)
Memory capacity
  • 1GB (1)
  • 512MB (1)
Memory interface
  • 128bit (2)
2 items in total
product to configure Price Dealers on sale Configuration differences
 Jingying HD6670 1GB-D5 Precision Radium Edition Jingying HD6670 1GB-D5 Precision Radium Edition

800MHz core frequency; 3600MHz video memory frequency; 1024MB GDDR5 video memory; HDMI/DVI/VGA interface

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 Jingying HD6670 1024D5 (HM) Jingying Radium Edition Jingying HD6670 1024D5 (HM) Jingying Radium Edition

800MHz core frequency; 3600MHz video memory frequency; 512MB GDDR5 video memory; HDMI/DVI/VGA interface

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two Word of mouth comments I want to comment
Score by 2 people
  • 4-5 stars
  • 3 - 4 stars
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cost performance
dissipate heat
  • eight

    It has 1GB of massive video memory. It has 480 SP processors that other garbage graphics cards cannot match. The video storage frequency is 3600MHz, and the overclock can reach 4000MHZ. The frequency is very high, which is suitable for multiple games. Cooling mode: cooling fan+cooling fin, cooling will be very powerful!!! Interface: HDMI interface/DVI interface/VGA interface, 3 interfaces, compatible with most monitors.


    The price is higher, the price of middle end goods and the quality of low-end goods.


    If you don't consider the price, this video card is more user-friendly.

    Published on: 2013-01-30 24 likes comment
  • eight

    Tmall 398, CPU g550, Mission 9, full effect, 50fps, no pressure, you can adjust the speed of the display card fan


    It may be that my main board (small h61 board) and chassis are small, and the temperature is a little high. 50+degrees


    You can try 6750. It's only a few tens of yuan more

    Published on: August 3, 2013 3 likes comment
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