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Coobie Halo

Kubi Halo series mobile phones were launched by Kubi in November 2014. There are 3 products in total >>
Reference quotation:
599-1499 (Stop production)
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Product model

There are 3 styles in this series
product to configure Price Dealers on sale Configuration differences
 Coobie Halo (H3/Mobile 4G) Coobie Halo (H3/Mobile 4G)

5 inches, 1280x720 pixels, rear camera 1:13 million pixels, front camera 1:8 million pixels, 2060mAh, 2GB

Stop production
Dealers inquiry contrast
 Coobie Halo (H2/Mobile 4G) Coobie Halo (H2/Mobile 4G)

4.7 inch, 1280x720 pixels, rear camera 1: 8 million pixels, front camera 1: 8 million pixels, 1850mAh, removable battery, quad core, 1GB

Stop production
Dealers inquiry contrast
 Coobie Halo (H1/Mobile 3G) Coobie Halo (H1/Mobile 3G)

4.7 inch, 1280x720 pixels, 8 million pixels, 8 million pixels, 1800mAh, removable battery, quad core, 1GB

Stop production
Dealers inquiry contrast

Must read for purchase

 It's spring time to take pictures to interpret mobile phone macro photography skills

It's spring time to take pictures to interpret mobile phone macro photography skills

Coincidentally, this article was released on May 1. Spring has already begun in most parts of the country, and the climate is pleasant. At the same time, the three-day holiday of May Day is also the peak time for tourists to travel, so it must be that many people will take photos in the scenic spots during this time. In the past year or two, we can find that more and more tourists choose to use [ read the whole passage ]

2015-05-01 05:23:00
 It only takes 30 minutes to charge 75%? Kubi H3 flash charging experience

It only takes 30 minutes to charge 75%? Kubi H3 flash charging experience

We all know that in recent years, the battery life of mobile phones has deteriorated from year to year. The battery life of one week and half a month in the non smart phone era has gone forever. In the current smart phone era, few of them can maintain normal use for more than two days, and the battery technology bottleneck has not made a substantive breakthrough for many years. [ read the whole passage ]

2015-01-05 05:52:00
 1899 yuan dual card 4G ultra-thin all have a comprehensive evaluation of Kubi H3

1899 yuan dual card 4G ultra-thin all have a comprehensive evaluation of Kubi H3

Not long ago, koobee mobile phone held a press conference in Shenzhen to release two new smart phones of 1000 yuan class, koobe H2 and koobe H3. koobe H2 has brought you a comprehensive and detailed evaluation. Today, koobe H3 comes to ZOL mobile phone evaluation room. Compared with koobe H2, the design and materials of the body of koobe H3, which costs 1899 yuan [ read the whole passage ]

2014-12-29 05:21:00
 Professional beautification, excellent picture quality, Coobie H2 photo test

Professional beautification, excellent picture quality, Coobie H2 photo test

On November 22, Koobee held a press conference in Shenzhen to launch two new phones featuring photo taking functions - Koobe H2 and Koobe H3. The author was lucky to attend the conference and have a live experience of the two new phones. Taking Kubi H2 as an example, its built-in 4.7 inch floating screen, support for TD-LTE network and new dids [ read the whole passage ]

2014-12-23 05:29:00
 Comfortable grip/photography, video and audio are highlights, and Kubi H2 evaluation

Comfortable grip/photography, video and audio are highlights, and Kubi H2 evaluation

At the Shenzhen launch conference a few days ago, the Kubi mobile phone officially released two new products H2 and H3 of the Halo series, both of which are focused on the 1000 yuan smart phone market, of which the price of the Kubi H2 is only 1299 yuan, but compared with the previous products, the experience of the Kubi H2 in hardware and photography has been greatly improved. Today, the phone is coming [ read the whole passage ]

2014-12-16 05:17:00

Let's comment

one hundred and ninety-four Word of mouth comments I want to comment
Score of 194 people
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five point six
  • d239128745229c7

    Purchase information

    Price: 939 yuan

    Time: April 2015

    Location: Xinzhou, Shanxi


    Endurance: four photograph: eight Performance: six appearance: six cost performance: six


    The 64 bit processor is fast. It is OK to take a picture and open the HDR mode to take a static picture. The normal state is dark. The humanized functional glove mode (one of my reasons for choosing) can change the battery. The front and back are 8 million yuan, and the size is small. 4. There are few high configurations. I can bear the limit of holding and wearing pants pockets in a single hand. Two cards. (It is recommended that more manufacturers provide more 4.7, 4.6 and 4.5 inch screens to run 2G, double 4G, regardless of the main and secondary card wearing glove mode, flash charging, and the front 800 and rear 1300 machines.)


    The battery life is not good. It is usually recharged every day with a single 4G, and there are master cards and slave cards. The most important thing is that people who have just used 360 ROOT cannot use 360 ROOT, otherwise the system will freeze, and they will have to find after-sales service to brush it back to the factory. It is recommended that the PC version ROOT master. The operation of the built-in security center is not very stable. Some of the built-in software cannot be uninstalled but can only be frozen by the ROOR master, which has little impact. The actual running memory of the relevant software is 899M, and it has used about 400 after startup,


    As a representative of the high configuration of 4.7 inch small screen computer, it can be considered within 1000 yuan.

    Published on: April 6, 2015 46 likes 13 comments
  • rnmwer

    Purchase information

    Price: 1899 yuan

    Time: December 2014

    Place: Shenzhen, Guangdong


    Endurance: eight photograph: eight Performance: eight appearance: ten cost performance: six


    Exquisite workmanship, powerful 64 bit processor, very smooth operation. The machine is thin enough to carry easily.


    The resolution obviously does not reach the mainstream. I feel that it is a bit like Apple 4S.


    On the whole, this phone is very good. The appearance and configuration are acceptable in all aspects. It's very textured and very good.

    Published on: December 29, 2014 214 likes 27 comments
  • four point eight

    Endurance: two photograph: four Performance: six appearance: six cost performance: six


    Good appearance, nothing else.


    The charging is hot. The phone is always jammed. When my friend sends me QQ voice, the voice of the receiver is always too low. The screen is black just after I call someone else. My toll free embankment has not been opened yet. You press the power off button and the screen will be black immediately. When you open the toll free embankment, you can hear the voice of the other party, but the other party cannot hear your voice. The voice is too low when you do not open the toll free embankment, and the electricity bill will heat up quickly when connected to the network, I just bought the phone for 11 days, and then my phone system was destroyed

    Published on: August 13, 2017 5 likes comment
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