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Samsung PRO Ultimate SD memory card

Samsung PRO Ultimate SD memory card series flash card is a flash card launched by Samsung. There are 4 products in total >>
Reference quotation:
Important parameters:
  • Product capacity: 64GB
  • Product type: SDHC card
  • Access speed: read: 200MB/s, write: 130
  • Speed class: U3, V30
  • More parameters >>

advantage: The speed of 200 is against the sky! SD card has developed to 200M speed? Faster than my USB flash drive

Disadvantages: other

Product model

There are 4 styles in this series
Product capacity
  • 128GB (1)
  • 64GB (1)
product type
  • SD card (4 items)
  • SDHC card (4 items)
4 items in total
product to configure Price Dealers on sale Configuration differences
 Samsung PRO Ultimate SD memory card 512GB Samsung PRO Ultimate SD memory card 512GB

512GB, SDHC card, reading: 200MB/s, writing: 130MB/s, U3, V30

two hundred and seventy-nine
Dealers inquiry contrast
 Samsung PRO Ultimate SD memory card 64GB Samsung PRO Ultimate SD memory card 64GB

64GB, SDHC card, reading: 200MB/s, writing: 130MB/s, U3, V30

one hundred and nineteen
Dealers inquiry contrast
 Samsung PRO Ultimate SD memory card 256GB Samsung PRO Ultimate SD memory card 256GB

256GB, SDHC card, reading: 200MB/s, writing: 130MB/s, U3, V30

four hundred and forty-nine
Dealers inquiry contrast
 Samsung PRO Ultimate SD memory card 128GB Samsung PRO Ultimate SD memory card 128GB

128GB, SDHC card, reading: 200MB/s, writing: 130MB/s, U3, V30

Price negotiation
Dealers inquiry contrast

Must read for purchase

 Comprehensive analysis: selection of five performance indicators, top recommendation guide for three 512GB memory cards

Comprehensive analysis: selection of five performance indicators, top recommendation guide for three 512GB memory cards

In the digital era, 512GB memory card, as a key data transmission and backup medium, is crucial for mobile game console, tablet computer users, professional photographers and UAV operators to choose a product with strong performance and durability. Here are three award-winning 512GB options: Samsung EVO Plus U3V30A2, Flash [ read the whole passage ]

2024-06-16 21:45:36
 Comprehensive analysis: five excellent 128GB memory card performance and purchase guide

Comprehensive analysis: five excellent 128GB memory card performance and purchase guide

In today's increasingly developed digital technology, the 128GB memory card, as a key medium for data transmission and backup, is crucial for photography enthusiasts, monitoring device users and mobile device users. This article will reveal five award-winning 128GB products for you to adapt to diversified use scenarios. Samsung MB-SD128K/CN relies on its U3 speed [ read the whole passage ]

2024-06-16 21:01:14
 In depth analysis: A guide to the selection of cost-effective 64GB memory cards in 2023 to meet your digital storage needs

In depth analysis: A guide to the selection of cost-effective 64GB memory cards in 2023 to meet your digital storage needs

At the forefront of the digital era, the 64GB memory card, as the core medium for data transmission and backup, is crucial for photographers, tachograph users and mobile device users to choose a memory card with stable performance, moderate capacity and excellent compatibility. This article will reveal four popular and award-winning 64GB products [ read the whole passage ]

2024-06-16 20:20:11
 Authoritative selection reveals that five excellent memory cards are recommended to meet your data storage needs

Authoritative selection reveals that five excellent memory cards are recommended to meet your data storage needs

In the digital era, memory card, as the core component of data transmission and backup, plays a key role in improving device performance and user experience. The following are five highly praised top memory cards, covering a wide range of needs from game consoles to tachographs. Samsung 256GB TF (MicroSD) memory card with 180MB/s read speed [ read the whole passage ]

2024-06-09 21:30:43
 Comprehensive analysis: five excellent 128GB memory card performance and purchase guide

Comprehensive analysis: five excellent 128GB memory card performance and purchase guide

In the digital era, memory card, as a key data transmission and backup medium, is crucial to improve the performance of devices such as tachograph, UAV and sports camera. This article will recommend five popular 128GB memory cards to meet the high standards of speed, capacity and compatibility. Samsung MB-MD128KA/CN [ read the whole passage ]

2024-06-08 22:10:54

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