Comments on Philips PFL5820

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Philips' popularity is too weak compared with other brands

Most satisfied

I bought a 42PFL5820-T3 on the National Day of 2012. First of all, Philips gave people the impression that there is nothing to remember except a razor. The manufacturer should reflect on this! I bought Philips, which is totally blind and hot. The appearance and screen of the TV are very good. It is also very beautiful to turn on streamers at night. It has all the functions that should be available. The concept of being smart and simple is deep in my heart

Most dissatisfied

This model is called 3D TV, and it also has 3D function, but sadly, it does not support MKV TS format, unless it is converted or connected to other players,
And the brand influence of TV is too poor. You can hardly see Philips TV without searching the major websites.


I have only watched it for a month, but it's OK on the whole. I'm going to buy a high-definition network player to watch 3D. I hope Philips won't let me down.

2 comments 5 likes Published on: October 22, 2012