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Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is the latest 12 inch portable notebook released in May 2014, which is equipped with the fourth generation of Core i7/i5/i3 processor. The Pro 3 weighs only 800g and has an ultra thin and lightweight design. The Surface Pro 3 keyboard cover has the speed and function of a laptop keyboard. There are 11 products in total >>
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4488-8399 (Stop production)
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 More attractive Microsoft headquarters experience Surface Pro 3

More attractive Microsoft headquarters experience Surface Pro 3

Microsoft's Surface series products have been updated to the current third generation. Roughly calculated, it has been almost two years since the birth of this brand. Although the original product was controversial in the public opinion, the persistence of the manufacturer has kept it alive, and it looks much better now than at the beginning of its birth. As a media representative, the author thinks that S [ read the whole passage ]

2014-06-07 05:38:01
 What is the winning gene of Microsoft Surface from joke to success

What is the winning gene of Microsoft Surface from joke to success

Last week's "Double 11" carnival was very noisy. I wonder what you have gained? In the second half of this year, new products have sprung up. First, when the iPad Pro was released, Apple said that "the performance of the portable PC exceeds 80%", and then the appearance of SurfaceBook was amazing. If we say every brand, every series and every product [ read the whole passage ]

2015-11-21 05:00:00
 A9X performance exceeds 80% portable PC Apple iPad Pro

A9X performance exceeds 80% portable PC Apple iPad Pro

Another year of waiting, Apple finally held a new product launch at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco at 10:00 a.m. on September 9 (Beijing time at 1:00 a.m. on September 10), which officially released the iPad Pro, iPad Mini 4, iPhone 6S and i [ read the whole passage ]

2015-09-10 05:42:00
 Explore New Uses Surface Pro 3 Experience 3D Printing

Explore New Uses Surface Pro 3 Experience 3D Printing

3D printing technology has just risen in recent years. Its rapid growth momentum and magical 3D printing ability have attracted many people's attention. However, it is an emerging technology after all, and hardware compatibility issues are testing the ability of peripheral devices to work together. Today, we will use SurfacePro3 and a 3D printer to complete the entire 3D printing [ read the whole passage ]

2015-05-01 05:48:22
 Which is more worth buying, Surface Pro 3 or the new MacBook?

Which is more worth buying, Surface Pro 3 or the new MacBook?

Since the release of Apple's new MacBook, there have been many debates about SurfacePro3 and the new MacBook. The most important thing for users to buy a product is its practical value. In the final analysis, how well the product is done should be reflected in its practicality. Today we will focus on the needs of student users, white-collar workers and cost performance [ read the whole passage ]

2015-04-30 05:53:00

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two hundred and fifty Word of mouth comments I want to comment
eight point seven
Score of 250 people
  • 4-5 stars
  • 3 - 4 stars
  • 2 - 3 stars
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cost performance
eight point five
seven point three
dissipate heat
nine point nine
nine point two
  • nine

    appearance: ten Endurance: eight Speed: ten Screen: ten dissipate heat: six cost performance: ten


    Light and thin, exquisite workmanship, better performance than all tablets, lighter and thinner body than all notebooks, long enough life. The new stylus, with ingenious design and good feel, can replace the digital tablet. Can run desktop app


    Three shortcomings Microsoft needs to improve: 1. The body is easy to heat up 2. The camera pixel is low (it is said that the rear camera of Apple's iPad Air 2 is up to 8 million pixels) 3. The price is too high


    This new product is strong enough and innovative enough, but it has not yet reached the ultimate goal of Microsoft. The experience comfort is not perfect enough and needs further improvement

    Published on: 2014-06-17 255 likes 28 comments
  • jr6666

    Purchase information

    Price: 11088 yuan

    Time: August 2014

    Place: Wuhan, Hubei

    eight point six

    appearance: ten Endurance: eight Speed: ten Screen: ten dissipate heat: eight cost performance: six


    The weight advantage of 800g is not available in other laptops. The 12 inch screen display is also very good. Browsing the web can really achieve a 9-hour life. It can do things that other tablets can't do. The power supply is relatively small and also has a USB charging port. It can basically solve all the things that laptops and tablets can do except for large games. It can run a large game like Final Fantasy 14, but only about 20 frames. The tank world is no problem, but the endurance is reduced by 1%, about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Of course, the resolution can't be the highest, and still can't run. After all, it is only HD5000 integrated display. Moderate heat dissipation.


    The pressure sensing of the stylus is not sensitive, which may be due to the problem that I have pasted a tempered film. Why is the stylus not set as a forehand backhand key instead of erasing and backhand keys? It is not convenient to drag multiple choices. The keyboard needs to be purchased alone, which is also so expensive. But I am now using this keyboard to input. It has a good hand feel, no worse than the ordinary notebook keyboard. The keys are very light, and typing is very comfortable. The pen sticker given by the keyboard is very unreliable. The pen is easy to drop, and it is easy to lose without a fixed storage point. I remember where the pen is every day.


    The price of high-end game books and the configuration of portable laptops. In fact, these are the two extremes, which are at least in the middle. If you want to take a laptop out, you must choose a light one. This one has done so. Anyone who can afford it can't afford a high-end desktop computer. If the price is lower by 1000 or so, it will sell like crazy.

    Published on: 2014-09-03 201 likes 22 comments
  • eight

    very good

    Published on: 2016-12-01 fabulous comment
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