Comments on Nikon D810

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  • cost performance ten
  • Manual control ten
  • Battery performance ten
  • Screen effect ten
  • Imaging effect ten
  • Product workmanship ten

Experience of Nikon D810 for half a month

Most satisfied

High pixel, high sense is not too bad, especially the low sense plus electronic shutter front curtain, which is very useful for improving the image quality of some special requirements. The battery is not as bad as the legend. It has high cost performance.

Most dissatisfied

At present, no obvious shortcomings have been found.


I have always liked to use Nikon. The D800 came into the market two years ago, and I feel that Nikon is strong again. Have the impulse to start, calm down, afraid of immaturity, entered the D600. As a result, Nikon replaced the new D610. The D810 was launched this summer, which I think is what I want. After the National Day, when the price stabilized, we did not hesitate to start.

52 comments 773 likes Published on: November 4, 2014