Comments on Nikon D810

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nine point eight
  • cost performance ten
  • Manual control ten
  • Battery performance eight
  • Screen effect ten
  • Imaging effect ten
  • Product workmanship ten

Suitable for friends with certain shooting experience

Most satisfied

1. Excellent sharpness and color, accurate and fast focusing, low sense and invincible.
2. The tolerance is very high. When the exposure is not accurate, use CAMERA RAW to pull the exposure+- two gears without too much pressure.
3. The battery life is quite good. It's OK to charge 400 batteries.
Although the pixel height is a double-edged sword, I think it can make people sit down patiently and deal with it slowly. This attitude is also worthy of the quality of this machine, rather than always wanting to make a hasty move to send friends. I like what my predecessor said. Sometimes people want to be a vassal even if they want to be a vassal. Maybe in this process, they will gradually get rid of laziness and resistance and move towards the road of advancement.

Most dissatisfied

1. The 3200 noise is not acceptable
2. Heavy. It's nearly 4 kg with 24-70, but actually I don't think it's a disadvantage. I've practiced my skills. Why not? And that's the weight of high-end machines, hahaha
3. (Is this a disadvantage.


Suitable for friends who have some experience and want to go further
It's OK to work professionally
You won't regret it anyway
Send some photos of my daughter and students for everyone to see. The night scene was taken when I just bought it, which can be used as a reference (the original picture is too big to be sent, so I have to compress it, so I can make do with it)

7 comments 581 likes Published on: April 25, 2017